Chapter 1

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Blah blah blah...... I'm just kidding


Damian's POV:

It was midnight, I was in the training room. I can't sleep, I can't stop thinking about her. Ever since we took down Trigon, I felt uncomfortable around her. My heart pounding every time I'm near her, and I hate this feeling, I don't even know what it is!

A while has passed and I'm still in the training room beating a bunch of hologram ninjas, and I'm still thinking about her. I sliced another hologram, and another one, and another one. I'm starting to not think of her but... Surprise.

"What are you doing up this late?" Raven asked. 'Damn!' I thought.

"I could ask you the same" I said as casual as I can be. Tuning to face her, she was leaning on the doorway.

"Nothing much, just a nightmare, but it has nothing to do with Trigon" she replied.

"Good" I said.

"How bout' you?" she asks walking to a bench in the training rom.

"I couldn't sleep. My mind is occupied with a lot of stuff" I answered.

"Stuff like?" she asked as I turn to slice a hologram with my sword.

"You do not wanna know" I said trying not to look like a dumbass while talking to her.

"If you say so, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me" She told me before walking away.

"Whew! I'm glad that's over" I said relieved.

"Hey, have you seen Kori's necklace? the one with silver lace and an emerald on the middle? I told her that I'll help find it" I was shocked with her just popping up.

"No" I said as I continue beating these holograms.

"Ok. And what's over that you're glad about?" 'Crap' as I was thinking of an excuse.

"Uh. Nothing, I was just uhhh- taking a break on training" I said facing her, she was just in front of me.

"You're horrible at lying" she told me pointing her finger at me.

"What! I'm not lying." I said. But still, she isn't convinced.

"Whatever you say Damian" she said walking out the door and straight to the kitchen. To make sure, she won't hear me, I peeked trough the doorway, she's gone.

"I am so terrible on talking to her" I cursed myself as I turned off these holograms and went straight to my room. It's still 1 am as I took a shower, dress in my uniform and lied on my bed to take a short nap.

As I closed my eyes, the alarm went off 'Dammit!' I thought as I instantly grabbed my sword and went straight to the common room.

Raven's POV:

As the alarm went off I teleported myself to the common room and saw Damian already messing with the computer as the others went in with sleepy faces.

"Who is it now?" Garfield groggily asked while yawning. I rolled my eyes.


So wutta ya think, good, bad, cheesy, or terrible?

[COMPLETED]Can't Stop the Feeling-DamiRaeWhere stories live. Discover now