Chapter 3

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Hey! I know, I upload fast but I will take time to make the other chapters, if you have an idea, feel free to put it in the comments below. On to the story.


Damian's POV:

I saw this magician guy make a saw pop out his hand and was about to slice Raven in half but I instantly threw my sword at him but he dodged it.

"Well, it seems like the assistant's boyfriend doesn't enjoy the show." Mumbo said making the saw disappear only to be replaced by a hammer "Well I guess, I'll just have to knock myself out!" he said trying to hammer his head but hammered Raven's back instead "Oops! I missed".

Raven was now unconscious on the ground and I was filled with fury as I tried to attack him but he disappeared again.

I ran straight to Raven and kneeled down next to her. I saw the bleeding bruise on Raven's back as I carried her and put her aside since Kori's been turned into a cat, Cyborg turned into a small bear wearing a pink tutu, Garfield turned into a telephone, and Beetle is still a squirrel.

"Your girlfriend will be fine kid" Mumbo said appearing again. "She's my friend, who happens to be a girl" I said in fury as I ran and tried to attack him but he dodges every punch and kick.

"Are you and Joker related?" I asked.

"Now tell me, who is this Joker?" he asked as he points his wand at me and sent me flying towards a wall.

"Change plans! you are the grand finale" he said as a chainsaw appeared in his hand.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" I heard Raven yelled as the chainsaw went chasing Mumbo as he run.

She landed beside me "you okay?" she asks as if no damage has been caused on her.

"How do you do this???" Mumbo asked Raven while being chased by his chainsaw.

Raven levitated some handcuffs and handcuffed Mumbo while the chainsaw disappeared. Raven went in closer and grabbed his hat and put it on her head.

"A magician never reveals her secret" Raven said as the police came.

"And I'll be taking that" I said while snatching Mumbo's wand away.

Kori, Beetle, Garfield, and Cyborg returned to normal. "You okay?" I asked Raven.

"Yeah, I have healing powers remember?" she answered.

We all went back to the tower while Cyborg bought some pizza.

We watched a movie Garfield bought, it's called Kingsman The Secret Service. It's all about a kid named Egsy, he has a horrible life since his dad, who turned out to be a secret agent, died for saving another agent. And that very agent offered Egsy an opportunity to be a Kingsman agent, which he accepted and has to defeat a rich psychopath named Valentine and he succeeded.

After that, we went back to what we're doing, I'm not sleepy now so I decided to go to the one place that can keep me busy, the training area.


I have nothing left to say.

[COMPLETED]Can't Stop the Feeling-DamiRaeWhere stories live. Discover now