Chapter 11

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Hey people! Here's the next one.


Damian's POV:

"Deathstroke!" I growled angrily.

"Oh Damian!I was expecting for the old Robin, but you are as weak and pathetic as him." Deathstroke said with a weird metallic voice.

"Give her back Deathstroke!" I said.

"I prefer to be called Slade now little man" He said running away.

"Raven!" I shouted as I tried my best to catch up.

Slade's POV:

I was getting Raven for my plan on defeating the Titans and Damian Wayne. I ran as Damian was chasing me for his girlfriend. I dropped a smoke bomb, luckily my mask acts like a gas mask for me. I won't kill them just yet, I'm going to make them suffer first. I got on a helicopter with Raven and flew away while Damian is still finding a way through the smoke.

As the smoke cleared, the helicopter is already flying high enough so Damian couldn't reach it. I spoke up "Your girlfriend will be fine kid".

I can see him blush "She is not my girlfriend!" He shouted grabbing his grappling hook.

"Actions speaks louder than words Damian" I said as the helicopter flew away from him and to my hideout.

Raven's POV:

I woke up in a small bed in a room with the worst headache I've ever experienced. I can't remember anything that just happened that could answer my question 'How did I get here? First, I was talking to Damian and poof! I blacked out because of an unpleasant smell.'

"Did you sleep well Raven?" came that very familiar metallic voice. I turned around facing the masked man.

"How did I got here? Why am I here? What do you want with me?" I asked angrily.

"Why so many questions Raven? I brought you here, you're part of my plan, I want to make the Titans suffer then, once they are at their weakest, I will have their heads, especially the new Robin" he said as I remembered 'Damian'.

"It's not going to work, give it a rest Slade" I said trying to throw the bed at him with my powers but it won't work. "W-what?"

"This time, I'm a hundred percent sure it'll work. There is a spell casted in the whole place, you can't use your powers here. You'll get three meals a day delivered by me and you get to have fresh air guarded by me." He said as he locked the door and left.

"What am I going to do?" I asked myself 'What about Damian?' I thought as I sat at the bed.


Author: Eh! Nice plan Kori *sarcastic*

Kori: It could've worked! If you haven't been so cold hearted, Raven wouldn't be there!

Author: Uhuh. Wait, who was the one who sent them on patrol again? I have a stone heart, deal with it.

Kori: What is he gonna do to Raven? *Damian walks in*

Damian: You! what did you made Slade do to Raven?!

Author: Relax! your gf will be fine!

Damian: She is not my girlfriend!

Author: Yeah! I totally believe in you *cough cough* *mumbles* not really.

Damian: I heard that!

Author: You think I don't know that?

Damian: Where did he took Raven? Is she alright?

Author: I'm not suppose to tell, you'll find out soon.

Damian: Is she okay!?

Author: Affected much?

Damian: Answer me!!!

Author: Maybe........

Damian: What did Deathstroke d-

Author: Enough questions! See you guys soon! Bye!

Damian: I'm not finished with you yet.

Author: Well I am. Bye!

Damian: You get back here!

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