-Chapter 2- Panda in a Crate

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The school was— strange. That's the best way to put it. It was definitely not nice and orderly. A traditional day at the caretakers' was to round up all the screaming children, get them dressed and fed, and ship them off to their classes where they learned to talk, fly, and use magic. They were taught the importance of stewarding the Nether and most of all— how to be a soul-catcher.

It was every child's dream job. To escape to the Overworld and swipe the life of a human being was the ultimate accomplishment. Daydreams of being praised by their skills in the art of horrific possession filled their imaginative heads. Of course, this brought jealousy and rivalry among them; for there would always be some sort of fist fight or bloody wrestling match on the recess grounds.

It was apparent that 807 was getting more and more recognition the longer he stayed, and it wasn't just because of his white coloring. He was an absolute menace. Dozens of children would be sent to nurses to treat numerous scrapes, bruises, cuts, and even bites because of him. Every day. One poor kid was reported to have had a chunk of his wing completely bitten off, having to stitch leather in its place so he could fly again.

The list of such incidents would be endless. The school board had many talks with the Elders to deem him feral and dispose of him. But their protests could never be put into effect. Why?

Because he knew how to talk.

He knew how to reason.

He had the energy of the souls running through him, therefore he had to be treated like everyone else.

When 807 and 808 grew a tad older, things began to change. Soon the white menace was now popular. Kids praised his toxicity, and wanted him to be the next soul-catcher when it came time to choose one. He was the example at school, and 807 embraced every single second of it out of sickly pride. Even the teachers and mages encouraged his character, suggesting that he should advance early.

His brother 808 on the other hand... wasn't as fortunate. He despised everything the teachers taught and encouraged. He hated how dark and disgusting the school was. He was right, for sure— it was disgusting. But what set him apart from everyone else the most was...

He didn't want to soul-catcher.

The bullying, the mocking, the torment— it seemed as if it would never end. Every kid would stare at him and grimace, wondering why on earth a demon would not want to steal souls.

It's pretty much a demon's purpose of living, for goodness sake.

He tried to look to his praised brother for comfort, but even he looked down on him in utter disappointment and shame. 808 had no outlet, no safe haven, nothing.

No one loved anyone here.


"Get up!" 807 snarled. He yanked 808 by the horns and flung him out of bed. Baffled, the sleepy demon rubbed his pale eyes and looked at his brother in bewilderment.

"W-what? ...h-huh..." the words slipped out of his phlegm-coated throat.

"C'mon. We're going out." 807 yanked him by the arm, dragging him toward the doorway.

"Where? We're not supposed to be up this late!" 808 whispered harshly.

"You think that's stopped anyone? You're my lookout... and scapegoat if needed."

808 was shoved out of the room, still a little sleepy. 807 creeped out into the hall and began his escape out of the school. This wasn't good at all. 808 desperately wanted to go back to his room, but he followed his brother to ensure nothing crazy would happen.

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