-Chapter 24- Soiled Hope

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"Run until the noise is gone, run until the noise is gone, run until the noise is gone!"

Sapnap had put his life into the hands of that chant, for there wasn't much else he had to hold onto. The forest was a thin blanket of false security— maybe it could hide him from 807 for a little while; but it sure was no fortress, and the ground shall soon be tilled barren by hungry claws. Nor could a cave or any structure hold as a stable refuge for his frightened soul.

His only true anchor in life was his father. 808 was always there to stand between him and harm. His hand and foot, so strong yet so gentle, were always ready to confront all opposition. What a privilege Sapnap had, to cower into his wing all his life.

And now, for once, he had to forsake it.

Might as well just run until the noise was gone.

It was a shame that humans had better legs than pandas do. He was much too exhausted to change back, and his heavy stumps for paws were soon to compromise his stamina. Sapnap felt as if he were to vomit— the poor thing couldn't keep his head straight for a minute. Back and forth did his glance slide, terrified that Uncle's abysmal eye would appear behind the brush. Several minutes of this made his path so nauseatingly erratic, that he didn't even see the cabin he was running straight into.


Tossed aback with a fresh bruise on his forehead, Sapnap lay dizzy and panicked. He had stopped running, but the noise wasn't gone yet. He had to get up, but the sharp pain whirling through his body kept him on the ground.

The cabin apparently had a door, because he saw it swing wide open, and out came a bouncing pile of wool.

"Sapnap! Get inside!" cried the wool.

Somehow he managed to find his footing and stumble toward the lichen-ridden porch. Unfortunately, Puffy's sudden presence did not alleviate his frantic state in the slightest. He wanted to keep running, not twiddle his paws in some shack.

"We can't stay here for very long, but Skeppy isn't ready yet."

Sapnap's nose scrunched up a bit before his name finally struck a note. It was morning in the cafe when he spotted him for the first and last time. A simple strawberry shake was all he wanted.

Wow, that was so long ago.

And now he cast his little black eyes on the gnarled lad limping across the area of the cabin. His arms were latched onto the doctor's for support, eyes unfocused and straining.

"There you go, slow and steady..." said the doctor.

Skeppy groaned back to him. "Where are you? I can't see you!"

"I'm right here, buddy. Can't you feel my wrist?"

"Sort of..."

Puffy turned her attention back to Sapnap. She darted her little face from side to side, as if looking for something. And then she proceeded to ask, "Hey, where's BadBoy?"

To that Sapnap pinched his eyes shut, dropping his head down. A few solemn seconds later he could feel her hoof alight on top of his head.


A door from the adjacent room moaned open, and a creature they had called Sam came forth, holding rather a striking disposition. He employed four legs as opposed to two, that which he embroidered in golden braces. Behind those hung a tail as strong as wood, that could whip the stars into their places. His head constructed the most assertive visage, for even the floor beneath his four feet seemed to obey him. A serpentine eye flitted around the room, to Skeppy, and then finally landing onto the sheep.

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