-Chapter 10- Acceptance

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The rest of the morning was...


After everything that had occurred, many customers cancelled their orders, protesting that such a horrific creature should not be preparing food. They claimed all sorts of outlandish things— "It's poisoned, no doubt!" or "He sneaked a spider in my coffee!" and even "Keep away, or he'll steal your soul!" That one irked him the most. Some even left the building completely, doing away with an empty stomach.

It had reached around 11:00 when the commotion began to die off. The sheep had closed up shop and asked for 808's helpful aid in cleaning up.

"I'm sorry I scared off everyone," he apologized. "That wasn't very helpful of me."

"No! Don't worry about it! I should apologize for being such a dramatic scaredy cat. It's been fun having a friend to keep me company."

A friend? Did she just say— a friend?

"Really though, they're the problem here. You're just new. I mean, look at me, I'm a sheep! They all called me a freak, but now I'm known as Mama Puffy."


"Really, really!" she chirped, then dipped her head. "A lot of people here have secrets, Bad. People with powers, and magic— I love all people but they, they just have a special place in my heart."


He gave a wide smile, picking up a mop and water bucket. He called out to Sapnap and instructed him to wipe up tables.

"Awww... I don't wanna," he whined.

"Too bad..." 808 dropped a wet cloth into his hands. "You're gonna help and do it nicely. No half done jobs, got it?"


808 went to work on the floor, scrubbing every nook and cranny. It wasn't an easy task for a tall demon. He constantly bumped into lights and wooden beams, his wings brushed up against the warm wall of furnaces. His tail would get tangled in the barstools he weaved around. If he wasn't mopping or living out the "bull in china shop" expression, he would every so often glance over at Sapnap sliding the cloth along the tabletops. He seemed to have turned it into some sort of game, whispering cheers to himself whenever he completed a swift loop around them.

Well at least he's having fun.

Clunk! Clunk! Clunk!

"What was that?" 808 swiveled his ears around. It didn't sound like the normal clip-clop of sheep hooves, nor did it come from his own two feet that were at a standstill when the noise had occurred.

Clunk! Clunk!

It echoed from a hallway, though he didn't know which one. A blue shadow crept up the walls and along the floor. It was a person, no doubt, but his head... it was unusually square. It had to be a box or something.

He came into view, covered in dirt and moss. His jeans were ripped and his over shirt was ragged. He had on enormous boots that almost met his knees, and the box... it was the silliest thing 808 had ever seen. It was so— derpy.

The stranger sat down on the bar stool, flicking off clumps of mud. 808 sighed at the more mopping he had to do, for he left quite an awful trail of filth. How rude.

"My usual milkshake, Mama."


"Excuse me sir, we're closed..."

"Huh?" his voice cracked, sounding rather puzzled. "You're new. Could you get Puffy please?"

He adjusted his shabby box, obviously unable to see who he was speaking to. The loose tape was peeling off more and more of the bright paint splattered onto it. The box was more than ready to give out, having more creases and wrinkles than a raisin. Who even was this person? With a sigh he creaked open the door of the back kitchen.

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