-Chapter 21- Awake

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A decent storm had been plaguing poor L'manburg for a few hours now, as if it wasn't already bogged down with enough water. A pan was shoved in the corner of the waiting room to catch any stray leaks. Puffy stared down the edges of her hooves, clacking rhythmically against the hardwood in sync with the pan. Her mind was just as jumbled as her hair, both tumbling out from her head and cascading down her back and sides.

Skeppy has been unconscious for three and a half days now.

She was very distraught over the whole ordeal. She hated how sudden it all was, how it slipped right under her nose, how she was unable to help him until it was too late. But what she hated most of all was not knowing what happened. She didn't know who or what attacked him, she didn't know what caused such enormous slashes in his chest, and she didn't know how to fix it. And to add on to the confusion, the demon had thrown himself into the situation as well.

"Ugh, what on earth was he doing there?" she muttered, sinking her head further down her wrists. It was baffling, and sort of creepy, how he appeared the moment her back was turned away from Skeppy. And what for? What was it that so piqued his interest for it, and what did he do to him? He was supposed to hold the fort over at the hotel— a simple command— yet he disobeyed.

Puffy shook her head semi-violently. No, it couldn't be... BadBoy was supposed to be different. He was a good demon, right? He would never hurt anyone.

She witnessed the halo...

If only she knew what it all meant. The unknown shall continue to haunt her probably forever. Currently, however, she was itching to hear the doctor's verdict on the matter.

"He's awake, Miss Puffy."

Her neck was close to kinking, considering how fast she jolted her head upward. Dr. Ponk, a cordial fellow, stood like a lone post. His arms were tucked tightly in his sides, his hands wrapped firmly around the clipboard. Such a gravitational statement said so matter-of-factly, no extra emotion attached. Which was actually kind of soothing for her. It brought her out of the clouds quite well.

But it still was an overwhelming development.

Puffy almost pushed him over, unintentionally of course. Whipping open the door, she raced to his bedside, looking on with glazed eyes. Skeppy seemed to have been placed with great care, no arms sprawled or legs hanging. His chest lay exposed to the open air, smeared with blackened scabs and stains of green and violet. Every rising breath broke it all up, making him very oozy to the touch. Hazel eyes were replaced with grayer, more deadened ones  He was barely there.

"Skeppy? Are you okay?"

"M-mama...?" he let his voice slide out.

"Yes, yes it's me, Mama Puffy."


"Erm, yes?"

"She's as b—" he coughed. "B-beautiful as I remember..."

"Excuse me?" She was now thoroughly puzzled.

His voice crackled as his tumbled his head supposedly toward her, but it went the wrong way. "You don't see her?"

"See who? What are you on about?"

He pointed aimlessly to the other wall, trying to make out a figure of some sort. "Over there... my— hehe..."

"He's Cross-Eyed," Ponk spoke from the doorway. Puffy swiveled her ear backward accordingly.

"And what does that mean?"

"It means that he is seeing different realities all at once." He took a seat beside her. "He was knocked so hard, his self came out of socket. He doesn't know where he should exist, thus creating a muddled view that goes beyond our perception of time and space."

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