-Chapter 8- Staying Overnight

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Quackity skipped along one of the many bridges that crisscrossed above the water. The entire country was set upon stilts, held high over its past troubles. There were strings upon strings of lights tossed above their heads, and lines of torches lit every path like some sort of luau. It was very beautiful and cozy, yet had an undertone of struggle— like it was recuperating from something tragic, and had slapped this together to cover it all up. Even the very lake it stood upon appeared to be hiding something.

"This way!" Quackity bubbled, doing that weird face thing again. 808 breathed out a sigh of relief. He was beyond exhausted, envying Sapnap's current place. He imagined such a luxury— to be passed out in someone's loving arms, heart thumping along to a steady stride. A soft sway, almost rhythmic, that nuzzled one deeper into the crook of their carrier's neck at each downstroke.

He wondered what that felt like.

They came to the hotel. Finally. 808 could feel sleep beginning to take over him. The attractive lights called to him; like a mindless moth he was drawn toward it, craving the rest that the group had promised him.

"BigInnit Hotel, huh?" he cited the extravagant sign.

"YEP!" boomed an unfamiliar voice. The doors were crashed open, and there stood a ratty blonde-haired boy. "Hello, there, I'm Tommy! So not nice to meet ya- huh... uhh..." He stared at the giant, gulping down his fear.

"Tommy, it's alright. He's with us, and seems pretty nice." Ranboo assured. The demon added a small "Hi!" and waved.

808 assumed that he was going to have to rely on his friendly nature to get anywhere with these people. He just looked too scary.

Cue inner facepalm...

"Alright then... this way, lad." Tommy gained his audacious vigor once again. He stretched out his arm motioning all to come inside.

They walked through into the main hallway of the hotel, tuning out Tommy's loud boasting about the place. Nobody asked that a robot helped build it, but they all knew now. Irritated, Quackity eventually pinched his lips together after being spat at on accident— braces sure suck, but Big Q no longer took that as a plausible excuse. Tommy leaped over the counter to the register and rung them up. One demon creature and one panda.

"What's your name, big chap?"

"Umm... I don't really have one, I guess."

"No name? Well, we got to punch in something!"

"Well, my number is #808."

"Number? That's not a name. We need to give you a real name!" Tommy sure was persistent with this. 808 just wanted it all to be over.

"How about 'BadBoy', eh? 'BadBoy' fits you well!"

"Please no—" 808 didn't like that at all. He didn't want to be thought of as a bad boy.

"Too late! Already punched it in! Now how about that grown man you're holding?"

"What? He's not a grown man!"

"Yeah he is, buddy." Fundy corrected. "How long have you had him?"

"For about... fifteen years I think, he was pretty young when I found him."

"Yeah he could by twenty by now. That's considered an adult." Ranboo confirmed it.

"Aww you found him?" Tommy, exclaimed in disappointment. "Would have been cooler if you made him... It would explain the horns!" His joke was not taken very well, for they all responded with a facepalm and a sigh. Except for 808— it completely flew over his head.

BadBoyHalo: The 808th DemonWhere stories live. Discover now