-Chapter 3- Meanwhile in the Overworld...

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The tall grass quivered. Two pairs of feet zipped through the forest, one pair brazen and headstrong, the other quick and graceful.


They turned a sharp corner, thinking— no—  believing they were the fastest creatures alive. They looked pretty silly from afar, for only their small heads could be seen; blonde and brown hair bouncing up and down after each downstroke.


"Go up the tree!" the blonde-headed boy commanded. "I can't see through these blasted weeds." He pulled out his axe and tried to hack some of them down. Wasn't terribly effective.

His companion silently obeyed and scurried up the tree. Immediately he frantically scanned the area and spotted a wooden tower.

"There!" he squeaked, pointing toward the plains.

They took off once again, bursting out of the woods and running like madmen across the plains. The sudden hot sun beat down on them, forming beads of sweat on their brows. They looked like they were gliding above the grass, eyes pinned to the tower. It was pretty hastily done, mostly consisting of wood planks and mud loosely slapped together. On the top was a small blind.

What they wanted was in that blind.

They reached the foot of the tower, gasping for air. The two looked up, noticing that the whole tower swayed precariously in the wind. Small creaks and groans popped from all over. They directed their attention back to the pitiful excuse for a blind. A mere wooden box, really. A hand slithered out from a gap in between the boards of the blind.

The hand held a disk.

The disk.


The hand retracted back into the darkness of the inside. Soon enough, music began to pour out of the blind. Bit crushed violins accompanying a slow 3/4 swing. Easy to sway to, but terrifying to zone out to.

The blonde placed a pile of slime on the ground. He peered at his dear friend, eyes narrowed, gripping onto his axe. He breathed through his braced teeth.

"Go, Tubbo."

The boy stepped back for a running start. A smirk formed on his rosy face.

"This ones for you, Tommy." he leaped at the mass of slime, bounding almost twenty feet in the air. Crazy what those wiry legs could do. He made several beautiful flips before eventually grasping onto the side of the tower. He looked back at Tommy and gave a thumbs up, then began the ascent toward the blind.

"Pft... show off..." Tommy scoffed playfully and crossed his arms. He looked for a way to climb up, but finding none. He wasn't the best climber anyway. He searched through all he had on him, seeing what he could do to help. It wasn't until a gleam of iron caught his wandering eye. He spotted the source of blinding shine lying in the grass and held it up. It was an old arrow.

He had an idea.

Tubbo scrambled up the wood, occasionally getting splinters in his soft hands. It didn't matter a single bit to him, for the vigorous drive to retrieve that disk was all he had on his mind.

His head popped into the blind, only to be greeted by a harsh kick to the face. He almost fell off, but regained his balance and climbed up into the chamber.

"Ready to play this game once again, Tubbo?" the dark silhouette hissed. Only the places where the sun peeped through the cracks could Tubbo see the vibrant green on his hoodie.

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