-Chapter 7- The Butcher Army

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Based on the direction the demon and the panda were going, Dream calculated that they were heading toward L'manburg. Wonderful... this couldn't get any worse. Dream began to follow them, wondering how the heck he'll get out of this one. That panda sure was fast, for the demon in the skies was slowly fading out of view. At that rate they'll be on L'manburg borders in just a few minutes.

"Sapnap stop! You'll get hurt!" 808 lost count how many times he'd repeated himself. Why wasn't he listening? The panda ran into a small patch of woods. 808 remained in the air, but now keeping an eye on him was even more difficult. Then he heard the worst sound a parent could hear.


Sapnap let out a horrified yelp. To this 808 instantly dive-bombed into the forest canopy, snapping off a few branches on the way down. Shaking off his banging headache, he gripped onto the metal trapdoor of what seemed like a trap— a hole in the ground, really.

"Sapnap, change forms right now!" he demanded. Sapnap did not, and continued to grunt at him. Apparently all that running tired him out and was too exhausted to. 808 tried to pry at the iron bars; but of course, it was just his luck that he wasn't good at bending materials. He focused hard, with every fiber of his being, but the stubborn metal just wouldn't budge. He tried to boil the metal away, but the hot melted drops of death threatened his son's life. In exhaustion he dropped to his knees, breathing heavily. Sapnap pawed at the wall, poking his snout through the trapdoor.

At this point, 808 just sat there in the darkness of the brisk night. As much as he wanted Sapnap free, he noticed that nothing really was happening to him down there, nor was he getting hurt; so 808 took the free time to think things over. Everything happened way too quickly. The Summoning chaos, the places he had been, that strange human's request... his slick words filled his head. Is that why he accessed the Abyss? To get back his "power"?

"No, no, no..." he shook his head. There was no way he was doing anything like that.

Goodness, he hated being a demon.

As an attempt to clear his crowded head, 808 checked his surroundings. They were in a pretty dark forest. Only a few peeps of the moon were able to shine onto the ground. Invisible crickets beckoned to each other in absolute secrecy, as if they were mere spirits sounding calls with no caller. Other than that, the forest was still and quiet, yet the feeling of unrevealed presence still surged into his thumping heart. All the attention was focused on the demon and his panda, but who was watching? Every sound that was made, whether it be Sapnap groaning or the metal bars clanging, seemed to be received by non-existent pairs of ears— but who did those ears belong to?

After getting used to the sort-of silence, a string of noises pierced through it all. 808's ears perked at the sound of voices way off in the distance. Soon, he saw the glimmer of torches peeping through the gnarled oaks.

"Ay, what we got here?" called out one.

"It better not be another spider...." said another. "Getting really sick of those things falling in."

A whole group of them showed up, torches in one hand and a weapon in the other. Each wore blood-stained aprons except for one. 808's immediate reaction was to turn invisible. They peered down into the trap, looking somewhat disappointed.

"A panda?"

"What the..."

"Tsk tsk... well, call out a false alarm. Fundy, Big Q, open the door."

The two flicked a lever to unlock the trap, then hoisted the barred brute of a door; and out came little Sapnap. "Big Q" flexed his arms and plastered a smirk, all while speaking random gibberish in Spanish. The one called Fundy on the other hand just glared at the panda.

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