-Chapter 22- He Comes

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The L'manburg town meeting had officially commenced at late morning. President Tubbo and his Butcher Army had some wonderful news, as they had said it.

808 tried his best to get into his seat without making any kind of scene. The crowd was quiet and tentative, so to bother them was, in his mind, not an option.

But it's hard to blend in when you're literally dying.

...Not that he ever was successful in doing so anyway.

It was a major concern to those who grew fond of him over the months. Such a grand swing in demeanor— from being terrified to being full to the brim with compassion for the poor demon. In both phases he was stuck in the forefront of their minds entirely. With each day they watched him walk out of the hotel a little bit lower to the ground, his chin held not as high. And as the little questions whirred beneath the Butcher Army's periphery, their apprehensions began to rise when it became clear that Tubbo had still not publicly acknowledged it yet— despite being so fervent about his distaste against the demon just a score of days ago. Now he has fallen completely silent with no explanation in sight.

However, L'manburg was willing to let him have this one today.

He stood confidently up on the podium, rapping on the mic one or twice as he replayed his much awaited "wonderful news" in his head. Sitting patiently to the left of him, Tommy and the others gave assuring glances to keep his nerves back.

"Good evening, citizens of L'manburg!" he strained. "Today is a good day!"

An awkward swallow, and a slow breath.

"Today, a man, who was once an unbeatable force, has now yielded under our sword. A man who has robbed us of our country, and threatened our future—"

"Will you just cut to the chase, kid? I'm bored over here!" said a voice from behind the curtain.

The crowd looked on with confusion as Tubbo struck at the curtain. "Quiet down back there, filthy hog!"

"Get bent, I just ruined your dramatic reveal." Technoblade could be heard laughing.

After a suppressed curse or two, Tubbo yanked the curtain back to display the Hog in all its glory. He sat in a metal cage, hooves dangling over the bars. He appeared collected and comfortable. Tubbo couldn't have been more irritated.

"Hey guys! How's it going?" Technoblade called out to the crowd, which only gave an awkward silence as an answer.

Fundy interjected. "And what makes you be so calm? You do know we are about to execute you in front of everyone, right?"

"I don't see any other reason why you spent the time hanging that big ass anvil over my head."

Tommy glared between the rungs. "Right then, so be scared."

Technoblade only blew a juvenile raspberry.

808 had jumped a little at Fundy's mention of "execution." That certainly was not what he was expecting. He considered leaving, but he had used all his energy getting here— he simply was too weak to get up.

And that's the kicker. He has been staying here for much too long. Demons aren't supposed to just live in the Overworld, they have to go back to the Abyss eventually— with all the souls they have collected, of course. And since 808 didn't do that, he certainly had to pay for it. How his skin tarnished into an ugly white, thin and crinkly as ever. His eyes were as black as sludge. He could barely pick something up without any of his claws chipping off into a powdery mess on the floor. And his vitality was dwindling down to nothing.

The worst part of it all was that Sapnap had to witness his father practically fading away right in front of him. 808 had explained it all to him before, though he hadn't perfectly understood. All he knew was that it was time for them to leave this place. Sapnap argued with him night and day in the hotel room, often resorting to pleading with him on his knees and crying. 808 refused to believe that they should go. He would always say, "Any dimension is better than the Abyss. I regard it as an honor to die here as long as I know that the Overworld is safe from the Abyss."

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