-Chapter 14- Where Did We Go Wrong

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What a beautiful night sky it had turned out to be— he never could get used to flying in such a marvelous wonder. He wanted to touch every star sprinkled above him, all the while had the moon been his best companion during his lonesome flight way up there. 808 could never feel more elated whenever he soared through the sugary sweet air. How often I forget how enthralling it must be to explore a place like the Overworld in the eyes of a lowly demon like he; who was raised in the greasy ashes, and brought up through layers of suffocatingly heavy bedrock.

Who knew what a difficult task it was to scan for her this high up. He couldn't go any lower for fear of her picking up his flapping. She looked like a little spider scurrying down the hillside. Her pace was accelerating— whatever that meant.

Puffy stopped at the foot of someone's porch. A woman was already there holding open the door and both had stepped inside. 808 parked himself behind some brush. Turning invisible, he gradually crept up to the window. He suppressed his dizzy brain, once again persuading himself that the question that so tugged at his heart had not been answered yet. Even if it had been, there was no leaving now, there was no going back. He started this predicament by himself, and now he must see through. Pressing his ear against the glass, he patiently waited for the explanation.

"I got here as soon as I got word," Puffy said as she hastily unbuttoned her jacket.

"Yes, he's right over here," replied the woman. Her stance flickered in sync with the fireplace behind her, orange light bouncing off the rims of her glasses. She was a petite little thing, at least compared to Puffy's fair build. Both marched together toward the next room, and 808 followed them to the next window.

"Oh my god," Puffy exclaimed. She kneeled down onto the floor next to something, whatever it was, for it was just out of his view. "You found him like this?"

"Well, Sam did. I only offered to keep him here for the time being."

He tried all sorts of angles to get at least an iota of the mystery man, all of which had failed. Sighing to himself, he rounded the corner and opened the door as quietly as possible. Upon entering, he found the entire floor made of hardwood. Great. There was no attempting in tiptoeing his way, not with his clunky boots he wasn't, so his next best option was to walk the air. He put his hand out, and caught a gust accordingly. His feet followed suit, and soon enough, he quickly found himself rubbing the ceiling.

"Oh dear..." he muttered low. He was relying too much on his tail to balance himself, causing it to swish up and down and hit things. He tried to squeeze through the doorway, but his giant wings wouldn't let him, stopping him like a dog carrying a big stick through a narrow fence. When he folded them, his balance faltered; when he extended them, he had nowhere to go.

"Do you hear something?"

He almost lost it.

Quick reaction time had saved him, for he flipped himself around and gripped the top of the trim. He gathered all his strength and heaved himself along the wall. Catching the braces, 808 successfully perched himself in between several rafters. He exhaled as quietly as possible, but that didn't mean they hadn't noticed.

"Damn mice," huffed the girl, pushing up her glasses.

It would be an under-exaggeration to say he was surprised with what he was presented with. Or, at least he would have never guessed. The two girls were huddling around that Skeppy guy, the diamond-faced fellow he so wished to see again. He lay on a thin mat, dirty and unmoving. Whether or not he was unconscious was unclear, but his breathing was hollow and labored. The girl had tried to lift his arm, but was too stiff, refusing to budge.

"Do you have any idea happened to him?" Puffy inquired.

"Sam said he was crazy deep in the woods when he found him. At first he thought he had hit his head wrong, but look..."

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