-Chapter 16- Dream Changes Course

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George was used to waking up unaware of Dream's departure. All he had to see was the skinny string-bean appearance of his hammock to know he was gone already, off to do whatever he will complain about at supper. He reached up and patted the tether hugging the rafters— light, empty, no friend to be seen, no arm to thrust back up when it dangles above his face. He remembered when he had originally put it up there, back when they didn't know when to stop talking, sometimes gabbing all night about how to make the best bottle rockets and slingshots. And then, in the midst of their rambles, both would silently drift off to their dreams so naturally, so soundly and sweet.

What he'd give to have that again.

Restless months created an even more restless character. For far too many nights now, did George have to turn off Dream's lamp and shut down his smoldering, only for him to hissy fit like a provoked cat. He replaced his happy chitter with dramatic monologues filled with hate, all the while spewing curses and pounding at the ceiling— George could only sink his head back into his pillow and listen quietly. As jading as it was for him, the idea of confronting his childish behavior was never in the forefront of his mind; not that he was afraid to, but because he was so used to it now. It barely crosses his mind anymore.

"Oh, good morning," George said with a yawn, poking at the stray hairs on his head. "I thought you left already."

"I wanted to give you some updates, but you were out cold when I came home last night," Dream replied.



Dream sat comfortably in the dining room chair, twirling his mask across the placemat. He pointed to the chair across from him. George obliged and sat down.

"What's up?" he straightened his glasses.

"Well, even though I thought all was lost, something else came barging through that could just maybe turn things in our favor."

Ah right, our favor.

"He goes by Jef, a spunky little rascal, and far much stronger than I had anticipated." He spoke with a smirk, as usual. "With him, I could finally give those brats a what for!"

"What makes you think he can do it?"

"He knocked out Skeppy in five minutes flat!"

George was taken aback. Skeppy? The kid that won't stay out of the woods? Why was he important? From what he's been told, he lost to a lamb fighting for the last crab apple in the wild orchards up there.

"How do you know that?" George asked.

"I... tend to keep an eye on him," he answered, almost sounding as if he were admitting to something. "All you really need to know is that it was a crazy battle. Jef is perfect for the job."

"What about the demon?"

"Ditched him." Dream began to chuckle loudly. "As I always say, you can't become attached to things, George! He didn't wanna be with me, so like the genius I am, I just rolled with it. Now I don't have to waste time on something that I shouldn't bother with!"

"I see..."

"Besides, it seems that he is still indirectly helping me anyway. He is a wedge between Tommy and Tubbo— they argue about it every day. If this continues, surely all of L'manburg will choose sides about the matter while I silently work in the background."

Dream cradled his head in his hands, staring at him for an awkwardly large amount of time. Was he supposed to say something now? Even so, how could he respond?

"Am I... supposed to be proud of you?"

Now, it wasn't apparent to Dream that not all opposition equals antagonism. If only he could tell the difference, then maybe he wouldn't have reacted so. His smile quickly faded, and it was no doubt that he had taken offense. He felt hurt, in a way, clutching his heart dearly and opening his mouth to try to speak. But all that came were confused gasps, which is fitting. He was confused, and lost. Such a strange retort had hit him like a blow to the face.

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