-Chapter 6- The Summoning II

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When 808 came to, he quickly realized he was falling. Wait, was he falling? All he could see was a dreamy mist, splashes of purples and tinges of blues; it danced all around him, bouncing away from 808's touch. It was cool and moist, washing his throat and lungs to fresh purity. There seemed to be no sense of gravity either, for he was being jerked around to and fro, leading to no liable ground. It made his brain spin.

The random pulling was leading him to a soft white glow, illuminating the strange environment around him. He was gaining a significant amount of speed the closer he came toward the glow.


"Unngggh..." he groaned while rubbing his temple. He was tossed onto hard marble, the waxed finish reflecting himself. He gripped his sides, realizing that the wounds he had received from the Elders' deadly magic had vanished. Surprising and relieving. When his brain stopped spinning, he took in the breathtaking surroundings. Everything was spotless and perfect. Beautiful columns stood strong above his head. He was surrounded in pure white— almost blinding, yet soft and welcoming. It was quiet, tranquil, serene. Not a peep was made, except for a handful of chirping birds and bubbling water from a brook outside. He liked it here. But it wasn't the Overworld.

It was somewhat like an In-between kind of place.

808 hadn't necessarily meant to be summoned to the Overworld, he just wanted to make sure 807 had no chance of getting here. He contemplated if he should go home, but quickly realized he had no idea how. It didn't worry him in the slightest, however, for his curiosity and intrigue of new worlds such as this one had overtaken him. If only Sapnap were here...

He strolled through the massive halls, they were much bigger than the ones in the Shrine ten times over. Most of it was extremely clean and empty, but there was one lonely shelf full of miscellaneous things— from books to knick-knacks to flower pots and even a pair of multi-colored goggles. But other than that 808 found nothing cluttering the area.

He came to a wall of clouds, gray puffs cascading in a waterfall-like fashion. This had to be it, 808 could feel it. The Overworld never felt so close, yet so far away. He came close to it, chilling his nose. He put out his hand to touch the cloudy daze made of daydreams.

Like an electric shock, 808 felt his entire self zap into his finger, then disappeared.

He could vaguely recall a strange golden ring dancing just above his head.


"Yes... YES!" Dream shouted, eyes widening in psychopathic delight. His smile lost all innocence, and his hair flew in sync to the unnatural wind. George stood still shaking like a stray dog in winter. He was unable to speak or move. Just watch.

The roof of the cave seemed it was going to collapse, plates of shale and deep slate buzzed loose from each other, and the columns quaked. In the center was a gaping hole of unholy light leading nowhere. Soon, shadows came to life and moved with the wind in small wisps. It spiraled into a nasty cyclone ever growing. Six feet, seven feet, eight feet...

Nine and a half.

The cave grew still and quiet. Loose shale fused back together, and the wind faded. What was now set before them was a dark figure dressed in black and red. A pair of pearled eyes stared at Dream and George.

This was it. Dream finally had a way to regain his power over the land, his land, something to surely scare away any foe who dared rise against him. "Even Technoblade himself would flee from this thing..." he thought. With a devilish smile he anticipated his revenge. Looking at the monster, he knew that total control was in his grasp.

This was it. 808 had only heard stories of these creatures, almost as if they were of legends. And now he possibly just saved their lives. He felt a sweet warmth burning in his heart and cheeks; he really did something good, it was all worth it. He had to introduce himself, since it's the nice thing to do. Realizing how scary he might be appearing to them, he messed with his ratty hair, and lowered his massive wings looming over.

"Hello there," the demon chirped, cocking his head. He put on a small smile and waved.

"...hey..." Dream furrowed his brow. That wasn't what he expected. He shook it off. "So, demon, would you like to know why I summ-"

"Awww you guys are so small!" 808 bent down, holding his hand above George's head. George gulped at the sight of the massive gloved hand full of mystery— it could be full of vipers for all he knew. He did not like the creature so close to him, almost feeling its heavy breath bounce his hair. At this point, George had experienced enough and ran off.

"Where are you going?" Confound it, he was scaring them.

"Can we focus, please?" the other human stuck his hand at 808's face, snapping his fingers way too loudly. "I need your help."

"Oh, with what?" Please don't be evil, he thought. Please don't be evil. Please don't be...

"Well, you see..." he began. "I used to rule the entire Overworld a long time ago, but two little turds came and took it all away from me."

The demon stood there listening intently. Dream lowered his trailing eyes.

"I want my power back, and you're gonna help me get it."

808 chewed on his words for a good while, unsure if his favor had evil intent or not. He was glad to help out a human, but this request was... he just didn't like it. Something's fishy about it. The look on his face, and his choice of wording... it all didn't add up. He opened his mouth to say-

"What's in your pocket?" the human interrupted before he even began. He was pointing to his waist. 808 looked down, and noticed something wiggling in one of the pockets attached to the buckle. Opening the flap, he found an oddly flexible chess piece. He placed it in his hands. It was getting bigger and fuzzier, still thrashing to and fro.

Oh no.

Sapnap transformed into his panda form and was immediately cooing for food. Dream's eyes widened at the sight of it.

"What is that?" he questioned.

"Wait, Sapnap! NO! Come back here!" the demon didn't hear him. The panda had run all over the cave chamber; his father was close behind chasing him. 808 had put the pieces together in his spinning head. That little punk thought it would be a good idea to stow away in his pocket. That's just great...

After running an entire loop around the cave, the panda eventually bumped into Dream. Looking up, Sapnap was taken aback by his mask, for it was all he could see and assumed it was his real face. Apparently that terrified him, because he let out a shrill "YIPE!" and galloped out of the cave as fast as his stubby legs could carry him.

"Sapnap, no!" the demon burst into flight, keeping a sharp eye on the runaway while chattering to himself out of parental worry. At this point, Dream had no idea what to do. It all spiraled out of control so fast, and now a demon was just... flying around, yelling at a panda to come back to him.

Can this evening get any crazier?

Yes, yes it can...

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