Part 5

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I was frozen.

I don't know if it was seeing her in person for the first time in 5 years. 

Or the sound of her voice saying my name, which was long etched into my brain and impossible to forget. Even though I had tried.

Internally I was running upstairs and hiding under my bed as though I was a child who had been confronted with a monster in her closet.

But I wasn't a child.

And she wasn't an imaginary monster.

She was real.

She was Taylor Swift, the girl who broke my heart and never spoke to me again for 5 years.

"Are you okay?" My thoughts are interrupted by Lauren.

"Yuh yuh yes" I stumbled out.

I couldn't take my eyes off Taylor and she hasn't averted her eyes away from me.

We were both just staring at each other in a secret silence, all I could hear was the blood in my ears pound loud.

"Great! Can we use the lounge?" Becky interrupts again.

I nod but don't avert my eyes away from Taylor.

I am lost in them again and I remember the first time I got lost in them.



"Look Morgan, I get what you are saying alright; but I definitely think the Ravens have a chance in the future, no matter what you say" my friend and I are discussing NFL as usual while we load our books into our lockers getting ready for the final bell before the school closes. 

"Y/n you are delusional, so why don't you just switch to my team now, at-least you will get to finally watch a Super Bowl with your team in the final!" Morgan argues convincingly and closes his locker door and leans against it.

"Morg, I am loyal. I am not switching for no glory" I shake my head, I'm not betraying my team.

"Well as long as you know, the only glory you are getting anywhere close to is a glory hole" he sniggers. 

I hit his shoulder.

"'Man don't be gross" I scrunch up my face. 

Despite being 17 I still knew about the dirty parts of the internet. I mean, I'm 17, a virgin and have hormones.

I rearrange my locker and place the books I don't need in there when I hear a rustling to my left.

"Damn, come on" I hear.

I follow the sound and turn my head, my body still rooted facing my locker.

There stands a tall girl with blond hair which was down, loose and full of curls.

I could only see the side of her face but through the strands of her hair I could make out a small, cute nose.

Her hand is on the handle of the locker trying to open it. She is shimmying the handle up and down in a frustrated manner, the metal is grinding from her actions.  

"For the love of god" I hear her exasperated voice. She raises her hand and tucks her hair behind her ear then hits the locker with frustration.

"Oh damn" she sounds regretful and cradles her knuckles from hitting the unforgiving metal.

She turns towards me and I get to see her full face.


Beautiful is not descriptive enough to describe her. She has blue eyes, a small nose and perfect lips.

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