Part 9

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"You always did know how to push my buttons" she grits.

I can only smile sarcastically.

My sarcasm will need to be on top form today.

"Well, isn't that what life partner's do? You know, I am sure it was part of our vows, till death do us part and all buttons are pushed" I look up at her and note her shift slightly.

I want to put the knife in.

I can't help my mouth.

"The only part of the vows that I think you didn't hear was, to honour and to cherish, I don't think you have done a very good job at honouring this marriage by fucking every guy with a pulse honey" my smile drops.

I watch as she picks up one of my baseball caps that are on the side and throws it at me.

It hits me in the face then falls in my lap.

Due to the light nature of the material it doesn't hurt.

Things she had thrown before had been bigger and heavier.

"I didn't come here for this Y/N!" she yells.

We had always fought like this, loud, angry, frustrated and loved to push each other to the limits.

It was something that happened regularly during our relationship.

This was like a comfort blanket.

"They why did you come here? So I can finally sign divorce papers you have never served me with?" I take the cap that was in my lap and place it on my head.

I straighten the peak mockingly and smile.

I put my hands behind my head in a relaxed pose.

When I was far from relaxed.

I just wanted to piss her off.

Taylor turns her head away from me.

"I just wanted to see you and explain about this whole documentary thing and why it's being filmed here, and..." she starts to stumble on her words.

"And to be civil and ask that you not fuck this up for me" she sounds somewhat pleading.

I narrow my eyes.

No one knows.

No one in her team knows.

No one knows that the Taylor Swift, the woman they worship and love, use to date a girl, in this town and clearly they do not know that she is legally married too said girl who owns the bar they want to film in.

Recognition crosses my face.

"Wow" I can't help but echo my thoughts.

"They don't know do they?" I ask gently.

Her face turning to look away from me and to the wall gives it away.

"They don't know the truth" I start to stand up.

I take a step forward.

"They don't know, that the Taylor Swift didn't just perform in this bar" I couldn't help myself and before I knew it the words slipped from my mouth  "She lost her virginity in it".

I raised my hand and slammed it into the door next to her head.

Taylor momentarily flinched.

"No, we can't let them think Ms Americana use to love getting down and dirty on a couch above a backstreet bar"

I felt the blow to my face.

She had slapped me.

It would not be the first time.

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