Part 10

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We had travelled a mile or so down the road, away from the main housing area and onto the secluded roads.

I kept chancing a look at Taylor and running my hands through my hair out of nervousness.

Every time I did, I noticed that Taylor would steal a glance at me before looking straight back ahead.

Suddenly without warning.

"Here" Taylor shouted.

I looked over at her with a furrowed brow.

"What?" I asked.

"Pull over here" she shouted again.

I kept driving not quite sure what the hell she was talking about.

Suddenly Taylor reached over and yanked my steering wheel to the side.

"Wow" my eyes went wide and I fought with her temporarily to get the truck back under control and slammed on my breaks and brought the truck to a stop just incase she tried that again.

"Are you crazy!" I shouted.

"I told you to pull over" she shouts back taking her hands off the steering wheel and pushing me slightly.

Luckily this was pretty much a quiet road that led to a dirt path just up ahead to the left.

"I thought you just had tourettes" I argued back " I mean why the hell would I pull over here" I turned towards her.

Suddenly Taylor was unclipping her belt and moving out of the car.

"You will see" she simply said.

The door slammed and she started walking ahead.

I stayed put and just watched her.

"Yeah and you will see the sole of my boot, when my foot goes up your ass if you try to take Dolly's wheel again" I whispered to the empty truck and patted the dashboard "I'm sorry the crazy girl was rough with your Dolly and touched you without consent".

I unclipped my belt and hopped out the truck.

"Taylor where the hell are you going?" I started following behind her like a lost puppy.

"You will see, stop making love to your truck and come with me" she shouted still walking ahead.

"I do not make love to Dolly, how dare you! Only one guy in town does that to his car and his name is Tail pipe Terry! Don't get me confused with that weirdo" I jogged to catch up with her just in time to hear her slight laugh.

She looked to her left at me.

"Oh how nice of you to join me" she sassed.

I flipped her the bird.

"So why the hell are you making me walk?" I enquired.

"Do you ever shut up?" she asks without turning to look at me.

I take a second.

"No, no I don't" I sass.

Suddenly Taylor grabs my hand and pulls me to the left and towards some bushes, "this way".

I was less focused on the fact that I was about to be bitch slapped by a branch than I was that she was holding my hand.

I allowed her to lead me blindly.

I watched as Taylor ducked slightly then found a gap in the bushes and moved them aside, being sure to hold them for me, I put my arm out infront of her to try and shield her from any unsuspecting bushes that might bounce back into it's previous position.

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