Part 7

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Flashback continued

"So, do you want to come over to my house after school to get started on this project?" She shyly tucks her hair behind her ears and refuses to meet my eyes.

"Sure" I choke out.

"What time?" I ask softly.

I watch as she writes something down but doesn't look up at me.

"Say 4:30? You can stay for dinner" she hands me a piece of paper "here is my address" she gives me a small smile.

I take the piece of paper from her and run my finger over the indented paper, even her writing is cursive and perfect.

Of course it was.

"Wow, Mill lane" I tease.

Big, expensive houses were on Mill Lane.

"Yeah, you know it?" she squints her eyes slightly.

The notion that this is where the rich people live is lost on her completely.

"Ugh yeah I do, it starts at the end of the Tucson Farm." I motion behind me with my thumb as to the direction of the farm.

I knew that farm like the back of my hand.

"I love that farm, it's so calm and peaceful" she breaths before looking me over.

"Can I tell you a secret" she leans towards me.

I falter slightly at our proximity.

"Of course" I respond.

I really could, I kept many secrets.

"Sometimes at night, I sneak out onto the farm and just lie in the long grass and watch the stars above me" she whispers gently.

"Oh trespassing, naughty girl" I wiggling my eyebrows.

It came out creepy.

It wasn't suppose to.

She taps my shoulder.

"Dork" and laughs.

I laugh with her.

"I think you will be fine anyway, no one lives on the farm anymore" I look towards the desk in-front of me and the workbook that had been given by Mr Hiltman.

"No one lives there?" she asks curiously.

"Nah, the farm house has been empty for years, it was ugh, repossessed by the banks a few years ago, so it's kind of just up in limbo at the moment" I look back towards her.

"You are safe to break and enter there" I smirk at her but my smile doesn't quite meet my eyes.

"How do you know so much?" she enquires.

"Nashville born and raised, small town, there's not a lot of secrets." I give her a small smile.

"Hmm, I think you have a few" she teases.

I ignore her accusation.

I focus my eyes back on the booklet in front of me.

"I think I could pry them from you" she smirks.

I swallow nervously.

Just wanting to change topic.

"So, do you want to be the mama or the papa" I tease.

The booklet explained that we would both be parenting a baby jointly, it would be programmed to cry, poop, teeth and need to be fed, and if we met it's needs it would score daily and at the end of the project we would get a total score.

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