Part 8

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The last three days I have been going over to Taylor's house after school and we have been prepping for the project that starts Friday and coming up with a rota for us both.

The baby would likely wake in the night so rather than both of us get broken sleep for days in a row we agreed to alternate each night.

Taylor offered to have the 'baby' Friday night and I would come and collect the 'baby' Saturday afternoon, it meant that Taylor and I would see each other everyday.

I didn't object when she made the suggestion.

I have loved every bit of the time I have spent with Taylor.

We spend around an hour on our project, then Taylor's mom makes us dinner, then we mess around with her guitar and write some songs before I go home.

Taylor had opened up to me a lot the last few days, I found out more about her than I expected.

Taylor told me she is originally from Pennsylvania and had moved to Nashville to pursue a singing career. She explained that she had a record deal for a year but had moved here now to record it.

She told me how she couldn't wait to record her album but was so nervous at the same time of meeting everyone's expectations.

I told her just to be herself and who wouldn't love her.

I remember the smile and hug she gave me after telling her that.

I remember how she told me that some of the songs that had been picked out for her she felt were to old, but she hoped eventually they would give her the oppourtunity to record her own songs that she wrote.

Taylor explained how she wrote regularly in diaries and had song books full of lyrics and songs.

Taylor said she wanted to get more experience in playing infront of people and I told her I would speak to my uncle Jackson who runs Cornelia Street bar about him letting her play there.

Plenty of other artists did and it was one of the key places for young artists to show case their talent.

One thing that always bothered me about our time together is how her phone would constantly ring or text and it would be John.

I would roll my eyes at each interaction.

When Taylor spoke to him on the phone it felt forced, her voice would change and she wasn't the same comfortable bubbly person she was around me.

I would excuse myself or busy myself on her guitar when he would call.

Friday had come around and we were due to collect our child at the end of the day from Mr Hiltman.

I was walking down the hall in a world of my own when I bumped into someone.

"I am sorry" I apologised immediately, bending down to retrieve the items I had knocked out of their hands.

"It's fine" I heard a voice bite back.

I picked up the books, one of them was "To Kill a Mockingbird" I glanced at it.

I looked up and noticed who I had bumped into.

Jessica Defrayne.

She was a year older than me, a senior and the vice captain of the cheerleading squad.

This was probably one of the only times we had spoken outside of me serving her a coke at Cornelia bar.

"One of my favourites" I hand the book back to her.

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