Part 3

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"No we are not having Taylor Swift tribute acts here this week"

The lady on the other end of the phone is annoying.

"well I am sorry that you feel that way, but I am not changing my mind" my patience has worn thin.

I am currently speaking to a potential customer, and I am speaking to them like shit.

But I really don't care.

Every day his week at least three times a day I have a call about hosting a Taylor tribute act, or someone enquiring if I have one.

Every other bar in Tennessee is having one, and most of the time its the same acts just doing their rounds.

I can barely stand to hear one of her songs on the radio.

I would not be able to manage an entire set of her songs, even by someone who isn't her.

I don't want to hear her songs.

I heard the only ones I cared about 5 years ago.

But now, they were just songs.

Nothing else.

She proved that she didn't mean what she wrote and sung about then.

Why is she going to mean what she writes about now?

"Have a good day" I slam the phone down repeatedly into the holder.

My frustration getting the better of me.

I really want a drink.

But I can't.

I have somewhere to go today.

"wow wow wow, what the hell did that phone ever do to you?" I hear my uncle yell as he brings in the beer bottles on a trolley.

"It asked me a stupid question" was my blunt response.

"Look, Y/N I know you got a lot going on right now, but you can't go on like this" my uncle parks up the trolley and leans on the bar.

I take in his presence.

The tied end of a shirt where his right arm should be.

It still hits me.

"I am fine, I have nothing going on. Everything is just the same" I dismiss him.

"Y/N take a seat" he speaks calmly.

"No, I got to go.." I start to explain.

"Y/N visiting isn't until 3 pm, you've got time, now please take a seat" He looks at me with a mixture of sadness and unwavering determination to have this unwanted conversation.

"Fine" I gruff and take a seat at a side table and he takes a seat across from me.

"What do you want to say Jackson" I sound frustrated.

Because I am.

I don't need lectures.

I don't want lectures.

"I am going to speak and you are going to listen" he taps the table with his finger.

"Then you are going to talk"

I look down at the aged table.

I was 24 but I felt like a scorned child.

I just nod, but refusing to meet his eyes.

"You are a very special person" my eyes snap up I was not expecting that.

"You are kind, you are loving, you are talented and you have a big heart" I almost smile from the compliments but I feel the but coming.

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