Part 12

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After the nursing home I offered to drive Taylor back to her hotel.

We walked to my truck still laughing about the old times and some of the things my grandmother would say when we would visit.

How she made us dress up for Halloween, or how she made us teach everyone line dancing, when we had no clue how to line dance ourselves, so we had to rent a book from the library that came with an old 80's VHS and we moved the furniture in my house so we could dance.

Nana is a hoot.

Our giggling subsided slightly as I opened the door for Taylor, she nodded her head while tucking a piece of hair behind her ear before proceeding to get in my truck.

"Thanks" she muttered.

I gave a tight lipped smile.

I closed the door and slightly jogged around to the drivers side.

I got in and looked over at her, she was watching me closely enter the truck.

I gave a tit lipped smile, before a weird silence fell over the truck.

I exited out of the nursing home car park and turned left onto the main road.

I felt I needed to break the silence.

But Taylor beat me to it.

"What happened to Dolly" it was a question you could tell she genuinely wanted to know the answer to, and not just making small talk.

"Oh .... Unfortunately her engine blew, it's was impossible to get all the parts for her due to her age, she needs a carburetor, It's not easy to get one for less than the price of a first born child" I laugh a little.

I look at Taylor.

Her face is stiff.

"Did you scrap her?" She enquires.

I furrow my brow.

Why does she care about Dolly so much.

"Ugh" I don't know how to answer this.

Truth is I still had Dolly.

I couldn't get rid of her.

She's around the back of the bar.

"Um" she looks at me expectantly.

I blink a few times.

"No, no I still have her" I look back at the road.

"Why" she deadpans.

I run my hand through my hair then down my face.

I go to run my hand back through my hair but she catches my hand and holds it between two of hers.

I look down at my rough hand in both of hers, her fingers are long and thin like I remember.

I chuckle internally, she's still painting her own nails it seems.

A small wry smile breaks onto my lips unwillingly.

I look from our hands to the road, it's quite and a long straight dead road, before looking over at her.

"I couldn't get rid of her" I admit.

I lick my bottom lip before bitting slightly.

"Why" she asks again.

I crack my neck slightly as I feel myself start to tense up.

My shoulders raise slightly, stiffing.

Without warning, one hand of her hands leaves my single one and it starts rubbing the back of my neck and shoulders, and suddenly I am thrown back to 5 years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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