Part 2

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It's been two months since the Super Bowl and all Ashley talks about is her, this damn tour. 

Does she not realise.

I don't care. 

From her recent obsession that she can't seem to stop talking about I understand that the tickets went on sale, she has some and the tour starts in just over a week right here in Tennessee. 

Everywhere I go this week, there are posters advertising her tour.

All the talk in the bar is about this tour and how they are going or know someone who is going. 

I can't get away from her. 


5 YEARS I have successfully avoided her, her music, her face everything about her. 

But now, she is everywhere.

I can't step outside my bar without seeing her face.

I can't stay inside my bar without someone talking about her. 

And if I have one more person ask if I am going to have tribute acts play in the build up to the start of her tour I am going to snap and trash this bar myself. 

"Hey Y/N someone is on the phone asking about Jackson" Ashley has her hand over my old style corded telephone.

"Jackson? Why does anyone want my uncle?" I walk towards her confused and take the phone from her while she shrugs.

"Hello, who is this please" I greet.

"Hi, this is Lauren from BMR label and management can I speak to Jackson Ware please?" the voice is definitely a northerner. 

They are not from around here. 

"uh, Jackson isn't here anymore, can I help you?" who the hell is BMR?

"Oh, I was hoping to speak to the Owner of Cornelia Street Bar" the voice sounds disappointed.

"This is she, Jackson no longer owns the bar, I do. Can I ask what this is about please?" Jackson hasn't owned this place for around a year. 

"Oh sorry I was informed the owner was Jackson, anyway, Hi, sorry, I am Lauren" she repeats.

"Yes you said Lauren" my patiences is wearing thin.

"Umm Okay, anyway I am part of a documentary team that would like to do some filming in the area next week and wondered if we could do some filming in your bar? We will give you a  mention and highlight in the documentary the name of your bar and where you are! Boost your exposure!" she starts to get excited.

"Why Cornelia?" I am always suspicious of everything.

"Because we have been informed that your bar is known for having live bands and I understand a few successful bands have had their start there or performed there so I have been told it is a bit of a legend in Nashville, or have I got that wrong? I heard you have had the Kings of Leon play there and wow, Lady Antebellum were regulars before being signed" I can hear her flicking through paperwork. 

"you would be correct, a few bands have played here, this is a family business and we have always been open to new acts and new music, we like to support new music."

"That is admirable so you don't mind us filming there? Maybe ask you a few questions about the history of the place?" she pushes.

"Okay you can film here, but I am not stopping customers coming in for you to do that!" I want to make that clear, I am not turning my regulars away. 

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