Part 6

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I walk into the school entrance feeling as though I have the weight of the world on my shoulders and dragging my converse covered feet with me.

I didn't get a wink of sleep last night.

My "hormones" kept me up.

Unfortunately being born with a male appendage also means I have very limited control over my raging hormones and my little guy just wanted to be all "hey man give me a shake".

Problem was all I had was Taylor on my mind and I didn't want to be disrespectful and beat my meat to the thought of her.

I hardly knew her.

I mean, we had met when I had helped her open her locker and the next day I discovered she was in a few of my classes so it meant I got to see her most days and it had been around two weeks since our first meeting.

I couldn't help but notice her in each class, sometimes I had to catch myself or I would just stare at her from the corner of my eye, there was something about her that was so mesmerising and intoxicating.

I needed to get a grip of myself, she didn't even notice me half the time, she would say hey if we passed by each other but that was about it, the most of the time John would be slobbering all over her, it was disgusting.

I noticed she would laugh and giggle at his stupid jokes.

She was too good for him, she just didn't know it.

I walked into my first period class, science.

I took a seat by the window and just stared out at all the kids still filing into the building.

I took in my surroundings, looking at the parking lot, looking at all the cars, the expensive ones from the kids with rich parents, the big super trucks and then the kids who parents are still doing alright, with their jetta's and then there was my truck, white and rusty, it's age very visible.

My uncle Jackson had given it to me, it wouldn't go over 60 and would backfire now and then, but she was loyal, she never broke down on me. Despite her age and scratches and dent's, she was still kicking.

I admired that about Dolly.

That's what I called her.

The bell signals, and my fellow classmates start filing in and taking their seats behind each workstation.

They were set up with two to a station.

I am lost in my thoughts and thinking about how I could not wish to get home and get to bed already.

It was Tuesday and I could not wait till the weekend to be able sleep in and not have to wake up stupidly early for school.

"Hey can I sit here?" I knew that voice.

My head whips to the right pretty quick.

I take her in.

Taylor is standing in front of me, her hair down and curly, she is wearing a pair of jeans, sandles and blue camisole, nothing special but she still looked so perfect.

I realised how much the color of the top brought out the color in her eyes.

"Ugh ugh" my mouth opens and shuts a few times while she looks at me expectantly.

"Yes" I choke out.

What a dork.

I clear out my throat.

"I mean, yes of course"

I stand up and pull the stool out for her and motion to her to take a seat, and once she is placed infront of the stool,I push the stool in gently.

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