Chapter 2

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Kai looked at Jay sprawled out on Kai's bed. The two had hung out after dinner and they had both concked out. Jay first, then Kai.

Kai had woken up to his friend laying next to him. He smiled before grabbing a jacket and tying it around his waist. He took his shirt off before heading outside quietly.

This was risky, but he longed to stretch his wings with flying. His back hurt with searing pain again anyways. Kai just had to hope Jay wouldn't wake up to find him missing, and decide to look for him.

Kai walked swiftly and silently, making sure the doors didn't slam behind him. He climbed over the gate of the monastery and made his way to the side of the mountain.

He got to the side, far enough away he would have time to know if someone was coming. "Alright." He spoke to himself. "Let's do this."

Kai sat down and opened the gashes on his back. His wings unfolded out from them. He stayed there for a moment letting the pain subside before standing.

He loved staring at his wings as they continued to glow in the dark night. "Now we have to make sure I won't die first." Kai started to flap his wings, bringing himself a few inches off the ground. He wobbled a bit but managed to stay steady.

Feeling more confident, Kai rose higher. He was maybe ten inches off the ground. "Okay. Okay. I got this. Gosh it's been so long." He flapped his wings and let them illuminate softly. He could let the heat and light escape once he was in the air.

He flapped harder to get further airborne. He started to rise to the sky. The higher he got, the smaller his home got. Reaching as high as he was comfortable, he hung suspended in the air.

Kai let go of the heat and light he trapped within his wings. Both burst suddenly, as if it was conscious and realized it was finally free after so many years being contained. Even if it wouldn't be very long. He enjoyed the feeling of the heat on his back. The light from the fire was bright, lighting up the night sky.

Smiling brightly, Kai flapped his wings once more going an inch higher before swooping into a dive. He pointed his wings behind himself to gain a quicker speed as he fell down. He loved the feel of the wind as it whipped against his face. The smell of the earth as it came hurrling towards his face.

Reaching the ground, he opened his wings again and slowed his decent. Flapping his wings again to gain altitude he rose, then dove, doing a loop.

Kai gave a cheer into the night sky as he twirled. He hadn't felt this since he was little. How old had he been? Five? Six? Maybe seven. It just felt good to fly once more.

He flew for about thirty more minutes before he knew he should head back inside. But he couldn't resist himself. He had to dive once more before then. Should he never be able to fly again, he would be disappointed in himself.

Kai beat his wings as hard as he could and headed higher than he originally had. Turning his body quickly so that his head was towards the ground, he went barreling downwards. Aiming for his hiding spot, he wrapped his wings around his body, and dived.


Jay sat up in Kai's bed. He looked around the room groggily, but saw no sign of the fire ninja.

He rubbed his eyes. "Where did Kai go?" Jay stood and went to the door. He didn't hear any shuffling in the monastery. So, he headed outside. It was a nice cool night, so he wouldn't mind.

There was a flash of light in the dark, and Jay looked up. A bright orange ball fell from the sky, leaving a streak of light behind it. There was one more small strobe of light from the ball before it fell behind the side wall. Jay ran to the side to go find the ball of light.

He jumped over the wall, and made his way over to where the ball should have landed. It was mainly just shrubs and dirt over in that spot. He couldn't see anything, but with how little there was he should be able to even if it was dark.

Regardless, Jay decided to look around. He summoned a ball of lightning. It was a faint light, but he could at least see a bit better. He looked through the dead bushes and avoided the cacti. Jay soon came to the conclusion that this search would bear no fruit.

As he stood up to leave, a small piece of something caught his eye. It hung on the spikes of a smaller cactus and wasn't much bigger than his whole pinky finger. Jay bent down to inspect it closely. He grabbed for it carefully, so as not to stab his finger with the sharp needles. The cloth was a bright, flag red shade.

"Red huh?" His mind went to Kai. But just because it was red, didn't mean it was him. He pocketed the fabric and headed back inside.


Kai took the jacket that was wrapped around his waist and put it on. After the heat his wings had released, the night was chilly according to him. All of Kai's clothes and uniforms were fireproof, Wu had made sure of that. It was only because of his natural fire powers that he did that. His sensei had no idea of his wings, he was sure of that.

Kai ran around to the front before climbing the wall back in. Making it inside without trouble he headed to his room. Looking at the bed, Jay was gone from it. Maybe he woke up and went to his own room.

Kai sat on the bed and closed his eyes. He hadn't felt that free in so long. Maybe he'd have to do it again. But that was risky. But didn't he deserve it, being forced to hide his wings? A natural part of him was limited because he wanted to protect his friends.

The door creaked open and Kai looked to see Jay enter the room. So he hadn't gone back to his? What did this mean? Had he been elsewhere? In the bathroom? Did he go outside. Oh gosh, did he see Kai?

Okay, calm down. Just ask his where he went first, then answer, so that I don't say I was where he was. "Hey Jay. Where'd you go?" Kai asked. Please give a straightforward answer I can use.

Jay smiled. "I was just outside looking for you. Hope that was okay."

Kai waved it off. "No. It's fine. I had just gone to the bathroom and grabbed a small snack. Got hungry."

"Oh. Alright then. I hope you don't mind if I stay for the rest of the night? No point in stopping the sudden sleepover just because we both woke up right?" Jay gave a lopsided smile.

"Ah, um, sure! I don't mind. Did you see anything while you were outside?"

"There was a bright light. But it disappeared and I don't know where it went. Oh well! Just another day in Ninjago. Another anomaly. Why do you ask?"

Kai panicked internally but tried not to show. "Oh no reason. Just that night is magical and just kinda weird sometimes ya know?"

"Okay then." Jay said, dragging out the first word. "Well. Let's go back to sleep then."

Kai chuckled nervously. "Yeah. Let's please."

The two lay on the bed, doing nothing. It was quiet throughout the whole house. So they did nothing to disturb that, letting themselves drift off to sleep again.

I'll probably post the next chapter tomorrow!

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