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I felt the wind whip my braids back and I grinned, urging the wind to go faster. I wanted to fly. Now. Without wings. A sudden gust of wind buffeted me back and I heard a cry of shock from behind me. I opened my eyes and saw that Elijah had fallen onto the ground and was struggling to get back up in the fierce windstorm.

I leaned into the wind. It was loud, screeching past my ears. A heat filled my chest. I wanted more. Whatever this was. I wanted more. I pressed my palms out in front of me and the wind grew stronger.

My eyes saw nothing but gold.

If I had this power back at Redwood, I would have been accepted.

Jody wouldn't have dared hurt me.

The alpha would have seen that I was worth more than dirt.

More than that.

If I had this power, building inside me, I could have wiped them out. I could have crumpled that pompous glass building, glass shards ripping the alpha's perverted hands at the wrists. I could have usurped the alpha and put people in power who deserved it. Those who were strong.

I could have established justice.

I could see the glass shards laying along the decaying leaves, dark red blood staining the ground. It would be an easy death.

I would be free.

"Naomi!" I heard a faint voice.

I blinked a few times and the gold disappeared. 

I turned to see Elijah reaching for me, hair straight back in the fierce onslaught. His eyes were squinted. My breath caught in my throat, and the wind stopped. I fell forward and caught myself on my hand and knees, setting myself down on the ground in exhaustion. The air moving down my windpipe was scratchy and rough. 

"What—was—that " I panted, rolling onto my back, and staring up at the gray sky in shock. My eyes darted over to where Elijah stood, with his hands on his hips.

"That was impressive," he admitted, "but frightening out of control. I was hoping for more."

I glanced at Elijah again. He seemed unaware of my inner conflict.

"The thing is that magic can knock down a building no problem. However, unlocking a door? That is far more useful. And far less dangerous. Go again. When I motion for you to stop, you must stop immediately."

"Give me a minute to catch my breath." And try to right my head.

"No." My heart thudded. "If you can only wield your magic when you're well-rested, you will be useless in a fight."

I swallowed and sat up, knowing he was right and hating every moment of it. I closed my eyes and tried to urge the wind back. The problem was—I was freaked. Controlling that wind felt so good. But, Elijah was right. I had no control. I didn't want control. I just wanted destruction.

My heart was pounding. Was that really me? 

I took a shaky breath. Justice was good and right. But that wasn't justice. That was revenge, hiding behind a thin veil of righteousness.

If we weren't in the dark realm, someone could have gotten seriously hurt.

I took a deep breath and a breeze caressed my arms.

"Stop it now," Elijah commanded.

Stop. I urged. However, the wind grew stronger. I felt like I was riding a horse and the horse suddenly started trotting in the wrong direction, continually gaining speed until he was in a gallop. My heart pounded as I realized how little control I had. Was I controlling the wind or was it controlling me? The wind grew stronger and stronger until I could feel my hair shipping against my back. Elijah was yelling at me to stop.

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