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"Naomi, this is alpha Silophilus of Turkey. He has come to witness the event on behalf of the Council," Damien said.

I nodded politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you," I said, reaching out my hand.

Alpha Silophilus took it and inhaled my scent deeply, giving me a small smile. "You smell of bird," he said. With that, he turned and trailed to another table, three werewolves following behind him.

"Thanks," I said, "you...too?"

I turned to Damien.

"Do I really smell like a bird?" I asked him.

He turned to me slightly. "No," he said with a smirk. "You do not smell like a bird. At least, not North American bird. Maybe you do smell like a Turkish bird."

"I'm overwhelmed by your support," I said ironically. He leaned down and pressed his lips against my forehead. It took a great deal of self-control not to flinch away. He took a deep breath.

"Definitely not a bird," he said. As he pulled away, I remembered what Elijah had said.

He loves you like an alcoholic loved brandy.

I leaned back from Damien, who gave me a slightly disappointed look. I did all I could to keep a straight face. I knew too much. I didn't fully believe Elijah. I don't think Damien intended to kill all humans. I knew Damien well enough for that. But I did know that Damien was lying about knowing I was an elemental. My trust in him was waning.

It had been a few days since Elijah told me more about the Elementals. Tomorrow was the ball. The day after was the fight.

"Damien," I said softly as they began to serve lunch. "Do you really intend to go through with this? To fight the Wereking?"

Damien nodded. "I must avenge my parents' dream," he said.

I nodded and a strange feeling twitched in my head. Ironside, who was sitting next to me nearly as close as Damien, frowned down at me.

"Are you alright, m'lady?" he asked roughly.

I nodded. "Just dandy," I lied.

Liar. A headache won't kill her though.

I took a deep breath. The voices were back.

Naomi, remember what I said. Focus. Focus on what thoughts you want to read.

I turned to see Elijah staring at me intently When we made eye contact, he broke off.

...hope she got the message...

I smiled softly. I got the message. Elijah had returned to meals yesterday. He gave no answer for his disappearances. Yesterday, he just showed up. The Wereking was delighted.

I turned to the Wereking and tried to focus on his thoughts.

...again I thought I told cook to peel the potatoes first maybe the alpha of turkey likes the skins I could say we did it just for him diplomatic strategy after the duel extra support from the European packs will do well for us what did I decide for dessert I should really have them make a schedule what is this fool going on about must be one of the usurper's idiots asking about throne claims...

I tuned out. As fascinating as the lunch options were, I had a small window to use this ability. Unlike the wind, it seemed to blink on and off whenever it chose.

I turned to Damien's mind.

...should be tonight maybe she will sympathize with me enough to do it or I could convince her she was wooed into it I have enough charm to engage her and the light can cast enough of an illusion to make her I have to convince her or I will have to drain her unwillingly without her it will be nearly impossible to win if the son steps up if the old man continues I will have far less to fear is Ironside doing this now I thought we had agreed to do so at dinner time...

Suddenly, the voice stopped.

I realized that Ironside had slammed a pistol down on the table. I blinked up at him in confusion, fear rising in my chest.

"—cannot ignore the question. Will you be fighting or will another fight on your behalf?" Ironside shouted.

I glanced up and realized that the entire room had frozen, waiting for a response from the Wereking. The werewolves with the Turkish Councilman had their guns drawn and at the ready. Ironside didn't notice or didn't care.

I looked back at the Wereking.

"As Wereking, I, or anyone in my line, have the freedom to fight. Why do you bring this up?" the Wereking asked.

"We demand the right to know who the king's challenger will be. Will your son fight for your cowardly life, or will you?" Ironside raged, slamming his fist on the table. I jumped, grateful my hand wasn't on the table. It would have been obliterated.

The king stood up from his table. "Must you interrupt a peaceful meal?" he asked.

Damien stood up. "I apologize for my gamma's untimely question," he said smoothly. "But the question is fair and right."

The Wereking frowned but gestured for Elijah to stand. After a few seconds, he did, eyes dancing warily across the crowd. They locked onto me before blinking a few times.

Ironside was impatient.

"Child, will you claim the throne and your right to defend it?" Ironside roared.

I cowered in my seat, grateful that Ironside was...kind of...on our side.

Elijah sighed and stared straight at Damien. I knew Elijah well enough to see the emotions behind his stoic face. He was hiding glimmers of fury and hatred.

"I revoke...I revoke my right to the throne. I will not fight."

I whirled to face him as a gasp went up through the crowd. What?

Elijah turned around to depart.

"You will not defend your father?" the king roared, rising from his throne, spit flying from his mouth. He was shaking in anger, face bright red.

Elijah turned and faced the king defiantly.

"I have no father to defend."

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