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I wore no makeup. I braided my hair like I normally did. I was angry, yes. But I was going to confront Damien as myself—not as some doll. I let Maximus doll me up in a red dress and makeup. Not tonight. Tonight, I was Naomi Barnes. Nothing more and nothing less.

Beatrice also brought a golden crown, but I set that on the bed. I wasn't going to wear that.

"The usurper will call for you after the initial guest announcements."

I bit my lip. I had hoped that he would come get me himself. That way, he could scream at me, and I could scream back. Then, we could break it off here and now. "I was hoping he would come here himself."

I was on the precipice. It felt like right before the Hunt, when a single step would radically change the entire future. Here was the same.

Beatrice shook her head. "He is already at the venue."


She nodded. "The ball isn't in the castle."

I nodded slightly. Another curveball. I took a deep breath, keeping my frustration and anger at a safe distance. I didn't want to fizzle out too quickly. Be with the wind. Be with the wind. "Okay. Where is it?"

"Maple has an outdoor venue where these events are traditionally held."

"Thank you." She nodded and turned to leave. "Beatrice?"

She turned. "Yes?"

"Thank you for the dress. Keep an eye out for Berry, will you?"

Her eyes went wide and she stammered. "I-I will be at the ball. Do you think she will be there?"

"Oh. No, I just—never mind. Thank you. I guess I will see you there."

She curtsied and quickly dipped out of the room.


Ironside collected me. He must have taken over beta responsibilities while Eric was taking a few days off with Berry and Seth. He was as gruff as he normally was. Thankfully, Reid was with him and he was far more familiar.

"M'lady!" Reid exclaimed. "That dress...it is beautiful, but I believe Damien was expecting you in purple." I pulled the cardigan against me tighter. It wasn't chilly, but I was grateful for the coverage.

I nodded. "I know."

Reid opened the car door and I slid in. The only problem with the dress was that it had no sleeves, so my zebra arms would be on full display without the cardigan. I ran a finger across a particularly ragged scar at my wrist.

I looked away, fighting the shame inside me. They represented my guilt and mistakes. But, they really didn't. They represented my mistreatment—and my determination to overcome it. I was too angry to be ashamed, I decided.

Ironside was driving. He took one look at me and scowled.


My anger was making me bold. I didn't care.

"Ironside, why do you hate me?" I asked.

He didn't blink. "I do not."

"Gamma," I said sharply. "I am the marked of your alpha. Do not lie to me. Why do you distain me?"

He looked in the rearview mirror and our eyes connected. I could see him thinking. "You are weak," he finally said.

I nodded.

So there it was.

"Thank you, gamma. Take us to the venue now."

Ironside pulled the vehicle into drive. I smirked.

"And gamma?" I said. "Don't forget your seatbelt."

It was the most satisfying click I have ever heard.

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