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When Elijah got up out of bed, I heard him from across the room. I jumped up as well. Today was the day, Today, they were storming the castle.

Today would be when Damien fell.

At breakfast, everyone was anxious. Everyone, it seemed, was ready for this to be over. When we left, I saw that the weapons had been spread out on tables that we set up the day before. Guns. Knives. Other gadgets that looked incredibly cool but very dangerous.

Everyone was involved. I stayed by Elijah as he met with a few incoming packs. They would all travel together in busses or cars. They would drive part of the way and then approach on foot.

Everyone began arming themselves as they headed down toward the vehicles. It was time to begin. My heart pumped with anxious energy. Elijah waited at the end of the line.

"I can't promise I'll be back," Elijah said. "But I will do everything in my power to make sure I do."

"Don't worry. I'm coming with you."

"Naomi, we already agreed. You are not coming with us," he said firmly.

"Why? You need me," I challenged. We had talked, but not about this specifically. "Elijah, I know what I said, but as much as I hate to admit it, this fight is mine, too." Was I not worth bringing along? I wasn't the strongest fighter, but I could hold my own. The werewolves in the area quickly made their exit. Elijah sighed.

"No, Naomi. You're not going. I can't risk that." He turned and grabbed a pistol from the table.

"You need me to defeat Damien. He has the power of a light elemental. You need another elemental to fight him. I am stronger than I was when I was with him last." I pulled out earplugs and sound-proof headphones I had gotten. "And he has no Claim if I can't hear him. I am being perfectly rational right now. You need every hand you can get," I argued. I grabbed one of the pistol holsters.

In actuality, I was lying through my teeth. Anger and fear had tied knots in my stomach. I wasn't being perfectly rational; I wanted revenge. For Elijah's dad. For Thomas. For Daniel. For Daria. For Berry. For Eric. For Elijah. For me.

"So help me," he said, whirling on me and snatching the holster out of my hand before I could react. He slammed it back down on the table. I jumped. "I will tie you to your bed in the dark realm and leave with the keys if you do not go back to the house now." His eyes turned bright gold, and he took a step closer to me. His presence was stiflingly dominant. I could feel heat radiating off him. He wasn't playing.

Why in the world would she think I'd let her go? There's no way I'd risk—

This was my fight, too. He needed me. I wasn't going to let that piece of trash get away with this.

"Just say it, then," I goaded.

"Say what?" he asked sarcastically.

"That you're a liar. For saying that I could hold my own. Tell the truth. Damien knew it was true. Say that that I'm a pathetical wretch who should be cleaning in the kitchen because that's all I'm good for!" As angry as I was, I was on the verge of tears.

I was exhausted. But I wasn't too exhausted for revenge.


"You want to know why I won't let you come?" he asked, deadly calm. He turned to face me, sliding the pistol back onto the wall. The sudden change in tone made me pause.


He pulled me close into his chest by my upper arms. His touch was firm, but still gentle. I began to breathe heavily as the royal insignia on my chest warmed in this proximity. "I won't let you come because...I need you. I made a promise to protect you. I care about you, and I can't let you get hurt. I am not letting you within a mile of Damien after what he did to you. I care about you."

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