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Damien was in a rottenly cheerful mood all day. It was cloyingly sweet to see his joy over the Wereking's failure.

That night, Damien turned restlessly in his bed. "Naomi?" he asked.

"Yeah, Damien?"

"Can I join you in bed?" he asked from across the room.

Tension filled the air.

"Do you think that would be wise?" I asked.

He sighed. "I don't know. What I do know is that in two days, I may be dead. I would love to spend my last two nights by my mate's side."

Marked. Not mate.

Guilt began to gnaw at me. No, I didn't want him in my bed. But, if he died in two days, I would regret not giving him the peace all people deserved. How would I be better than the sickos who put me out in a shed to live?

"Okay," I finally said.

I heard him shuffled and make his way over. He only slept in boxers, I remembered.

I scoot over to the very edge of the bed and he lay down in the other, letting in a burst of cold air. Suddenly, I was wide awake. It had to do with more than the cold air. Elijah's words had been eating at me.

"Damien?" I asked.

"Yeah, dove?" he asked.

"What do you intend to do when you are Wereking?" I asked.

"When?" he returned, flipping on his side so we were face-to-face.

"After Elijah's rejection—"

"Stop," Damien said, as if he were in pain. "Do not say his name," he grit out. Suddenly, he reached out and pulled me against him. "You are mine. To hell with him."

I froze as Damien clutched me against him. "Damien, I don't think this is wise."

"Shut up," he said harshly, winding his leg around mine, keeping me pinned against him. "Sorry," he sighed. "Sorry, I didn't mean that. I just...I just need you close."

I took a deep breath. Was he stealing my magic? I had to see past Damien's illusion. I had to. I stared at my arms, willing myself to see something—anything. No luck.

I had to get Damien to lower the illusion. He just had to fall asleep right?

"Goodnight, Damien," I said softly. He pulled me tighter, my head firmly against his chest.

I waited, trying to slow my breathing to match that of a sleeper's. Nothing. I waited for what felt like hours. Finally, I felt him relax against me.

I glanced down at my arms. Nothing.

I kept up my façade of sleep. Maybe Elijah was wrong. A small part of me glimmered with hope. Maybe Elijah was wrong; he just wanted me to turn against Damien. After all, his father's life was on the line. I could sleep in peace, I realized.

I looked down once more and almost cried.

There it was. Golden light. My eyes traced golden strands moving from my arms into Damien's. His veins were glowing.

I wanted to scream. All this time, Damien had been stealing my power. Without my permission.

Suddenly, my head began to pound. Now? Of all times?

Before the magic went away, I dove into Damien's mind. He was dreaming.

Fire. So much fire. I could barely make anything out in the smoke and dust.

A nightmare.

I stumbled through the smoke. I glanced up and dimly saw the sun peeking between two mountains. We were back at Redwood.

"Damien!" I shouted. "Damien, where are you?"

"Come here, dove," he crooned. I turned and rushed through the smoke. Finally, I came to an unfamiliar clearing. We were in the throne room. I glanced around. Bodies. Bodies were everywhere. The black and white tiles were covered in blood.

The blood was up to my ankle, sludging back and forth like the pulsations from an oncoming wave. I heard a shout and turned on my heel. A wall of red rose up before me, human faces staring at me without eyes. The Wereking. His wife. Roger, the guards, Daniel and Daria. Elijah. More that I didn't know.

you will carry the blood of billions on your hands

A finger tapped my shoulder and I jumped, whirling to see who it was.

"The pharmacy is right behind you, silly," the old woman said. A knife was protruding from her chest. "Although they don't take too kindly to strangers. Not since the fall of humans." She turned around and pulled her phone out. I stared. "Alpha? She is currently in town. She landed a mile south of here. I will let the Eyeless know," she said.

She turned to me and suddenly, her eyes were gone, replaced by dark holes.

Please let this be a nightmare. Please let this be a nightmare.

Suddenly, the old woman morphed into the Eyeless leader. He grabbed me by the back of my neck. He pulled out his phone. "Alpha? Are you sure you want to do this? Get Leviathan as close as possible? With her?" He shrugged and tossed me forward.

Suddenly, I was locked into the wooden chair. I fought but was firmly stuck. I saw a crumpled body on the ground. Damien. He stood up, glancing down at the burst of red on the front of his chest. He glanced at the Eyeless.

"Do you think she bought it?" he asked.

The Eyeless nodded.

"Good. I will be back in few hours. Keep her pumping, but don't reanimate Leviathan. Once I have the light power, I will be glad to welcome back a brother."

Suddenly, I was back in the throne room. The floor was clear of blood, but hundreds of small white crosses decorated the floor, with only room where my feet were. The wall of blood was gone, but in bold, golden letters, there was a message:


Please be a nightmare. Please be a nightmare. Please let this be a terrible dream of Damien and not a hope and memory.

I closed my eyes. I had to see who was on the throne. If it was the Wereking, then this was all a nightmare. The king was the one to blame for all of this. Who did Damien put on the throne?

I turned and glanced up to see the throne.

I would recognize those dark green eyes anywhere.

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