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My training ended when the gammas began scouring the castle for me. Elijah effectively shoved me out of the dark realm into one of their paths. Ironside.

He didn't say a word but grabbed me by my upper arm and marched me down a confusing series of hallways to a large room. The doorframe was carved wood. He pushed open the door and nudged me inside.

There must have been twenty pairs of eyes staring at me. I quickly found Damien's and made my way over to him, my heart pounding. The power in the room could have been cut with a knife and smeared on a piece of toast. The alphas had begun arriving and a great many of them were already here.

"Ah, Naomi," Damien said, pulling me against my chest. He was standing, speaking with two alphas, but politely disengaged from the conversation and sat down on a couch, gesturing for me to follow suit. I sat down slowly on the couch, finally letting my eyes wander around the room.

There were only eight alphas here, I counted. I had misjudged, but each one seemed to take the presence of several men. The wereking walked among them, speaking in low tones.

An alpha sat down next to Damien, and Damien protectively slid his arm around my shoulder, pulling me against him. I wanted to flinch away, but something told me that my behavior was being especially watched.

Pretty girl.

I whirled around, catching Damien by surprise. It was as if someone had whispered in my ear. No one was there.

"What's wrong?" he asked as my eyes darted around the room. No one was looking at me. I took a deep breath and leaned into Damien.

"Nothing," I said. "Just tired, is all." He nodded slowly and went back to his conversation. I looked around again. How tired was I? Tired enough to imagine voices.

The usurper is an idiot for not taking her already. There's no way all these alphas are going to be able to resist such an easy game. Ele? Pretty? Wildly powerful? I wonder if he's going to mate her in front of all of us. That would be a—

I covered my ears. Damien turned and waved away the alpha who was talking to him. "Sorry," I said. "I just—"

"You're hearing whispers?" Damien asked.

I nodded. How did he know?

He's got to mate before she realizes what he is...

I shook my head, trying to dislodge the voices.

If he doesn't do it soon, maybe I'll take her tonight...

They were getting louder.

What's wrong with the Ele? She's freaking outPsychopathic lot, all of them. We should go back...Maybe tonight Ill catch her alone—they've got to get that DHEck ed out—cant have her feaKINg oit lihKEJ this IS The BATTEL—WIERDO—wicko—


I blinked a few times and felt Damien silently removing his hand.

"Sorry," he said. "I know we said no magic. I just quieted the voices for a little bit."

"Please," I begged softly. I looked up and saw that everyone was staring. I reached up and realized tears were silently streaming down my face. "Can I please leave?"

Damien nodded. He looked up at the Wereking. "We will be taking our leave," he said simply. "It was a pleasure to meet you all."

I looked around nervously and quickly dragged Damien out of the room. He grabbed my hand and we kept going. After an uncountable number to twists and turns, we ended up outside our room.

Damien opened the door and gently tugged me inside. He pulled me over to the couch and gently sat me down next to him. I didn't realize I was shaking until he took my hands into his. I glanced up and locked eyes with him.

He lowered his chin, as if encouraging me to talk.

"Thank you," I said shakily. "I have no idea what that was. One of them—could they project their—thoughts?"

Damien tilted his head. "Possibly. More like than not, your training this morning opened up more than expected."

"Mind reading?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Wouldn't surprise me with you. What did you hear?"

"A lot. Mostly people weirded out when I was freaking out. And..." I hesitated. "And a lot of people wondering why we aren't mated. A few thinking about doing it themselves."

Damien's eyes darkened. Suddenly, the incident from this morning flashed back. I gently extirpated my hands from his.

"Damien, you hurt me this morning?" I said. "That's, like, really wrong."

Shame immediately washed over his face. "Naomi, no one is more upset about that than I am. That shouldn't have happened. I am under so much stress; I mean, I could die on Saturday. But, that doesn't excuse what I did. I just—in my need to keep you safe, I hurt you instead."

"And you did it before when we first came to Joshua—"

"How can I make it up to you? What if I took the rest of today off and I took you for a flight?"

"A flight?" I asked. "100% yes. Please. Today?"

Damien smiled and nodded. "This afternoon. How about that? We drive up to one of the mountain peaks and you do what you do best. My wolf could use some freedom to hunt. A mate activity where you don't have to hang out with you idiot mate and you can still be safe."

He had me "flight."

"This afternoon," I said.

"Sounds like a date," Damien said.

I smiled. "Are you going back to meet the alphas?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No. I'm hanging out with you today. And if they've been thinking about you—at all—I'd rather we stay away from them until we're mated."

I shook my head. "Damien, I still barely know you."

He raised his hands. "I know, dove. I'm not saying we need to mate tonight. I'm just saying it's safest that you stick with me and the gammas until we make it official. I just want you to be safe," he said, reaching for my hand.

I let him take it. "Okay. Where to, Damey?"

"Damey?" He smirked.

Giggles bubbled up. "I tried, okay? You have a cutesy name for me, but I have nothing for you. I just call you 'Damien.'"

"You'll come up with something, I'm sure. Damey isn't it." He kissed my forehead as we dissolved into laughter. "Nao, I really am sorry."

"I forgive you," I said. "I forgive you, Wolfie-Boo."

We erupted into laughter once again.

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