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I avoided Damien all morning. While I showered, he came in to brush his teeth. I tried to act as casual as possible. It was difficult. Once Damien left, I sprinted to the library and met Elijah in the dark realm.

Our silence was deafening.

"You were right, Elijah," I choked. "He intends to kill them."

Elijah was silent, staring at his hands.

"Why did you do that, Elijah?" I whispered softly. "No matter what your father did to you, you'll let Damien take the throne?"

Elijah remained silent.

"Eli, you could defeat him. He's scared. I've heard his thoughts whisper fear. You could defeat him," I urged him to understand. Tears pricked my eyes. Was I really encouraging this man to fight and kill Damien?

I couldn't unsee what I had seen.

He finally opened his eyes. The brown orbs were weighed down with sadness. He lifted his hand and traced it down my cheek. The touch was oddly intimate. "No, Naomi. I cannot."

His hand fell. "Elijah, you were right. He has evil plans. He intends to kill people—innocent people. Isn't that worth fighting for?"

"No," he said. "It's not."

"Why? What do you mean?" I begged.

"I could defeat Damien. But I can't defeat you. And he has you. I do not."

Tears at the utter frustration of it all raced down my cheeks. "Then—then," I said frantically, "teach me how to hold back. I'll make sure I don't give him any magic. Then, he won't have me."

Elijah was shaking his head.

"Elijah. We have to try."

"Naomi." I looked up to find him staring at me. "If I kill him in a usurper's battle, you die, too."

I searched his face, looking for a hint of deception or lie. There was none. His eyes betrayed the horrid reality. "What? Why?"

Elijah looked at me and I saw a ghost of regret flash over his eyes. "When Damien set up the challenge, he listed his life as forfeit."


"He listed your name, too."


"If he dies, you die, too. I can kill Damien, but I can't kill you."

I stared at him in shock.

"Naomi, I am stuck between two great evils. I believe Damien intends to kill. But my father has the same intentions. Either outcome, we will have an evil king. I just—I can't bear the thought of losing a friend in the process. Take a rest today," he said abruptly. "I will see you tonight at the dance."

I nodded as he quickly stood and strode off. Fresh tears poured down my face. Finally, the reality hit me like a rock settling in the bottom of a stream. I saw it with perfect clarity. Damien would be king. Or I would be dead.

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