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As I wandered back toward my room, I heard screaming from down the hall. Berry?

I hadn't seen her or Eric in days. 

The screams were Berry's. Suddenly, they stopped. I sprinted down the hall and yanked open the door.

My eyes couldn't seem to process the scene in front of me. Berry, laying on the bed, three women around her feet. A bloody child in their hands. Eric's hand was on Berry's head. They were both beaming in exhaustion.

Berry had her child.

I shook my head.

The air had a golden glimmer.

"Berry?" I asked.

She turned to me and smiled brightly. One of the nurses had cleaned up the child and placed it in Berry's hands. That was fast.

She smiled down at her child. "Seth, meet aunt Naomi."

I gasped and began to cry. I looked up at Eric. "So soon?" I asked. "How did this happened?"

Eric shrugged. "Stranger things have happened," he said. "Let Berry rest for now. Come visit us after the ball?" he asked.

I nodded slowly.

"Yeah. Yeah, I will." I turned on my heel and fled.

Horrible feelings of guilt overwhelmed me.

Had I missed that much of Berry's life?


Damien nearly collapsed and Ironside caught him, helping him sit down on Eric' couch. Damien sighed deeply.

"If anything would stir Naomi to mate tonight, it would be a reminder of the beauty of children," Damien said.

"That is a wise move," Ironside said. "Have any of your scouts found your beta and his wife yet?" he asked.

Damien shook his head. "They vanished into the night. It turns out that Eric had betrayed me to the Wereking when Naomi was reanimating Leviathan for me. The slimeball made a break for it. If I find him, which I will, I will tear the child from his wife's womb and slowly peel the skin from her body as he watches on. Then, I will kill her. He can drown in her blood."

Ironside's eyes glimmered. "Excellent idea, alpha."

"Thank you, Ironside. I am grateful to call you my beta."

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