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When I woke up, I hadn't moved. My body was wrought with exhaustion. I had a feeling that no matter how much or how well I slept, I would always have a phantom of pain. At least my wings hadn't suffered any great harm. It was strange—for how much the set me apart from the werewolves around me, I rarely had the chance to use them.

They represented my freedom and that was something Damien would never let me have.

He was insane. Officially. He swung from sickeningly affectionate one moment to harshly violent the next. What was next? Would he kill me? What was this training he talked about?

Was he going to torture me?

The thought brought me to tears and I fiercely fought against it. I was a survivor. I have lived on the edges for far too long to give in now.

But, I always had Berry. I had someone who cared. Where was Berry now? Surely, if she and Eric knew what was happening to me, they would rescue me?

They were just behind the wall the bed was pushed up against. They were so close. I fought against the leather straps binding me—to no avail. My salvation was so close, yet tragically far.

I have my voice.

I would have bonked my head if my hands were free. I could shout for help. I wasn't totally stuck.

"Hello?" I asked softly. My voice came out. Damien hadn't ordered me to silence. My relief was short-lived. What if my shouting brought Damien? What if he realized what I was doing and hurt Berry and Elijah? Or Seth?

My heart pounded. I couldn't let him hurt baby Seth.

I had been an awful friend. I failed to get Berry a pregnancy test when she needed it and I didn't know she was due. Surely Seth was very early? How long were werewolves pregnant? How long ago did they meet? Time loomed like an amoebic concept—known but constantly changing.

Who knows? Maybe I had only known Damien for a few days. He could have cast a vision over me with his light elemental power and made me believe it all. It could have all been fake.

Reality had never felt so out of reach.

Where was the light elemental? If I could release him, maybe he would help me stop Damien. After all, I wouldn't imagine he was taking too kindly to Damien stealing his magic. I know I hated that process and I can't imagine it was overwhelmingly pleasant for him either.

I had to get Eric and Berry's attention. Eric was a teleporter. He could easily get us to safety. I didn't care where I ended up. I would live joyfully with humans the rest of my life—a thought that had repulsed me in fear back at Redwood. I just didn't want to be here.

I took a deep breath. I had to act quick.

"Help," I called weakly. I could be louder. Fear at bringing Damien back was eating me alive. I had to do this. I had to be quick. "Help!" I called louder. I had to be louder. "Help!" I screamed. "Help me! Please! Help! Eric, Berry! Help!"

Suddenly, the door flew open and a blinding light stood in the doorway.

I blinked a few times and saw the figure come in to view.

"Awake so soon, dove?" he whispered, leaning down and kissing me on the forehead. "Good. We will begin the training now. Do not speak. I think it'll be best that way."

I stared up at him in horror and fear. I had failed. And done the very thing I feared.

I thought I was escaping a monster when Damien took me away from Redwood. Turns out I was just changing hands.

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