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"How did it go?" Roger asked Elijah.

"Decent. There is no doubt she is powerful. Nearly knocked me out with wind. Once she can control it, I fear for anyone who stands in her way."

"Damien knows as much," Roger said.

"Is that what you discovered in their meeting last night?"

Roger shook his head. "No. They have plans to kidnap Naomi the night before the fight and bring her back on Saturday."

Elijah rubbed his head. "Are they allowed to do that?"

"Not properly. There Wereking was very careful not to tell them to kidnap her. He merely 'spoke in hypotheticals.'"

Elijah shook his head in disgust. "You would think that an ancient system of magic would be able to understand subliminal messages."

"Apparently not. The Wereking plans to take Naomi away the night before the fight. He is convinced that is when Damien will try to consummate his relationship with her. If he does that, the next day, he will be high off mate magic, drain her of her magic, and binge on the magic he has been stealing from the light elemental."

Elijah tried his best to keep the look of disgust off his face when his uncle mentioned their mating, but he couldn't hold it back.

Roger noticed. "You are far too old for sex to disgust you."

Elijah grimaced. "Uncle, there is a larger story to tell you." His tone dropped, and his heart began to ache.

"Eli?" The uncle suddenly turned the young man to face him. "What did he do?" he asked, fatherly concern lining his eyes.

Elijah sighed, pain lacing his breath. "We were mates. Naomi and I. When I went out to investigate Leviathan's reanimation rumor, I found her there. The usurper...he...Naomi had been subject to a Hunt. She didn't shift until I did—very late. I took her from Leviathan and back to the pack she was staying with. The usurper had made an Alpha's Claim from the Hunt. He marked her because I stepped away."

Roger didn't hesitate but pulled his nephew into a firm embrace. "Eli. I can't imagine. If someone took your aunt away from me, I would have killed them on the spot."

Elijah smiled sadly as his uncle pulled away. "Aunt Pam would beat you to it," he remarked. "I can't touch a king's challenger. It was my fault. I left her. She was weak. I...was trying to do what was best."

"Is that why you've been hiding?" Roger asked.

Elijah grimaced.

"I promised I would not lie to you, Eli. I know you. I know you well. You hide when you are ashamed."

"Doesn't everyone?" Elijah asked. "Adam and Eve hid in the garden when they were ashamed."

"And then God made them come out and gave them clothing. The only way to overcome shame is by exposing it to the light." Roger released a weighty sigh. "Eli, to you the world is black and white. There is right and wrong and nothing in between."

"You make it sound like there is a third option," Elijah retorted harshly. Before Roger could respond, Elijah went on. "I will do all I can to ensure that the usurper loses. My hope is to survive until then. Once he loses, Naomi will be free of him."

Roger grimaced. "It won't be that easy. Naomi is Damien's collateral. Whatever happens to him happens to her."

Elijah put his head in his hands as the implications dawned over him. "So if he died, she dies?"

Roger nodded. "Eli. I am so sorry."

Elijah shook him off and tore a portal into the dark realm. "It's fine," he said, stepping out. "Our mate bond has been broken. I'll see you later, uncle."

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