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I woke up to a warm hand stroking my forehead.

"Naomi," a soft voice whispered. "Naomi, are you awake?"

I blinked a few times, trying to make out the form in front of me. Elijah? Did he do it? Did he escape?

My eyes focused and I realized who was sitting next to me.


I jerked awake, heart beating frantically in my chest. My movement was cut short by a band around my chest. I looked down in horror. I had bandages wrapped around my chest, no doubt covering whatever remained of the stab wound in my ribs.

Above that, a leather strap was holding me to the bed. I saw blood splatters on the leather strap. It was the one that kept the metal blade in my side. Terror poured into me. My wrists were likewise restrained. My feet were stuck, too.

Damien continued stroking my head. I glanced at him. One of his eyes was nearly swollen shut.

"Damien?" I asked hoarsely. "What happened?"

"I killed him," Damien said simply. "We won. I avenged my parents. I am king," he said. "More importantly, you are back where you belong. With me."

A sick feeling sank into my stomach. My skin crawled. He was insane. "Damien, please let me go."

He sighed and stood up. We were back in our room, but I was restrained on his old bed. I looked around; nothing was out of place. He turned and analyzed me. Surely, he saw the fear in my eyes?

"Damien, what happened?" I asked. "I...I thought you cared about me. Why are you doing this?"

He sighed. "It's for your own good," he reasoned. He changed the subject sharply. "Your ribs are healing extremely well," he said. "I can only guess it was the result of the disenfranchised prince."

I clenched my teeth. Did Elijah escape? The image of him laying on the ground, the back of his head bloodied was burning into my eyes.

Damien was oblivious to my thoughts. "Another rest and all you'll have are scars." His eyes were heavier than before, hungrier. His hair had grown out longer and it looked like he hadn't washed since the fight.

I had to escape. I had to get away from him. Did Elijah escape? Didn't he promise to take me with him? "Damien. Let me go. If you care about me, you'll let me go."

He shushed me. "I do care about you. I care so much that I know exactly what is best for you. That's being with me." He stroked my forehead and let his finger trail down my neck down to my thigh. "I love you, Naomi. I'm ready to make you mine. Fully mine. Will you mate with me?" he asked. His eyes implored my own like a child asking about dessert.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked incredulously. "You've been manipulating me—you literally have me tied down right now. You've been pretending. All of this is a lie. A lie! And you ask me if I'll mate with you?" I asked, voice shaking. "Are you insane?" I raised my voice, shouting at him now.

His hand rested high up on my thigh and I could do nothing to buck him off.

"Get off me!" I shouted.

He sighed. "Knowing that, I wanted to give you two options. First, I can use my Alpha Claim over you for the rest of our lives. I don't prefer this—I would much rather you realize that you love me. Second, I will use whatever means necessary to help you come to that knowledge."

I spit off to the side where he was sitting.

He sighed. "That is not an answer, dove. Think of it this way. Would you prefer to be free of pain or have freedom?"

"Let me go," I said quietly.

"Choose or I will choose for you," he said, squeezing my thigh painfully.

My helplessness overflowed from my eyes as salty water. No rest. I had been running for days. I had been running for months. It was constant danger after constant danger. I just wanted to rest. Joshua pack? Had that only been a week ago? It felt like a lifetime. Maybe it was. Maybe I was someone else now. I sure wasn't the under-omega back at Redwood, cleaning tables and avoiding the alpha. My life was far more twisted now. "Everything I've ever felt for you is a lie," I accused. "All those butterflies. The desire. All of it. A lie. I hate you."

His hand moved to cover my mouth. I thrashed on the bed, but he didn't seem to care. Why didn't I leave? I knew he wasn't my true mate. I knew he stole me away from Elijah. Why in the world didn't I run when I had the chance? What kept me around?

He shushed me again and shook his head sadly. "It's okay. I still love you. I will choose for you." He rubbed his head as if in thought. "Pain and freedom." He patted my cheek. "You are a very good girl. You just need some reeducation. Some training," he cooed. He kissed my neck, making my skin crawl again and I tried to flinch away. "Rest now, my pet."

He placed his hand on my head, making exhaustion sweep over me. I saw golden ribbons worm over to his hand. He was draining me.

"You love me," he stated matter-of-factly. "I'll help you see that."

Sleep beat me into submission.

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