Chapter 15

510 11 2

February 5, Friday

Early morning

Pain. So much pain. I woke up earlier than I thought I would when I passed out. I feel refreshed, but my body is in so much pain. My back is aching; must be from when I got kicked by that mother frigger. Even though it was in the metaverse, I was still a normal person getting hit by a boss. Thinking of it now, how does Ryuji survive getting beat by Shadow Kamoshida. That's like a legendary pokemon using its strongest attack continuously on a level 1 Zigzagoon. I also noticed that when I came back from the palace my shirt was fine. Kamoshida had torn it, yet it was completely fine. I don't understand how, but at least I didn't end up flashing anyone going back home. All the pain and injuries are still here though. I go to change into my uniform, then catch a glimpse of my back in the mirror. It's all bruised and purple. Mother frigging Kamoshida. I swear if I had my way, he wouldn't be able to live to see another day again. If I take him down now, then the story will likely never begin. All that matters right now is keeping Shiho from jumping. I clean then wrap all my bruises. As I'm tying my shoes, I realize my ankle is bruised as well. I thought that once you leave the metaverse your injuries there would disappear. I swear, how does healing work in this world? Maybe Morgana has a part to play in that. I probably wouldn't need to wrap it up. My uniform can cover it. Putting on my coat, then I head for the door. "Hey, what are you eating for lunch today?" Sojiro suddenly says. "Probably sweet bread and milk. Why?" That's sudden. He never asked the protagonist this. "Here." He pulls out a boxed lunch from under the counter. There are selves under there? "Wow! Thanks, Mr.Sakura!" Maybe I'm getting closer to him. The boxed lunch is wrapped up in an f/c colored polka-dotted handkerchief. "You better not cause trouble now that you're properly being fed." Ah, so that's what this is about. Either way, it's still nice of him to do this. "I won't cause any problems." I wave goodbye and say another thank you as I leave. I should put more effort into improving my coffee and helping out around the cafe. I walk slowly to school, taking care to not push my muscles too much. After yesterday, they need a long rest that they can't have right now. It's a good thing I decided to get to school earlier than I usually would.

Plopping into my seat, I writhe in pain. Just walking to school has got me tired. I should see Makoto since It's been a while since I've seen her. Just thinking about seeing her gives me a boost of energy. I see the teacher walk in, but that isn't what is important. Shiho is walking down the hall. I need to check in on her, to see if Kamoshida has bothered her all day. I'm pretty sure she has practice today. Then, I'll wait for her after team practice. I focus on the teacher as they begin their lesson.


I stretch as I get up from my seat. Lunchtime it is. Hopefully, I can eat with Makoto today. I grab my bag with my lunch in it and leave out the classroom, feeling eyes following me. Am I some sort of spectacle?

As I walked down the hall towards the student council room, I hear something in a closed room. There isn't anyone out in the hall. That's pretty weird because people usually talk with friends from other classes in the hall. I knock and wait for an answer. I hear nothing. Did I hear wrong? I pull up the straps of my bag onto my shoulder and reach for the door handle, only for it to be shoved open. Revealing Kamoshida with Shiho behind him, she's looking away at the ground. What the heck is going on?

"What brings you here L/n-san?" Kamoshida's voice is holding something back. That either being anger or surprise, I don't care. "I was looking for Shiho-chan and Nijima-senpai to eat lunch with. Was I interrupting something?" I look over to Shiho. She is looking at the ground, but for a split second, I make eye contact with her. Her hands clenched her skirt even tighter. I look at her arms to find a handprint in bright red on her upper left shoulder. It's almost unnoticeable-with her sleave almost covering it-but I can definitely see it. This god-dang butt hole. I look back at Kamoshida. "Do you still need her? Cause we were going to study with Nijima-senpai as we eat." We need to leave. "Well, we are in the middle of a reflection meeting regarding her recent results in volleyball practice. She needs to do better if she wants to reach nationals. I can't have members who can't push themselves to improve. "A forced grin on his face. Acting like I'm in the wrong for bothering him. "That's completely understandable, but I've been hearing she's been having trouble with her English class. That's why she really needs to complete a project today to raise her grade." Just leave her alone, butthole. "I see, I'll be sure to speak to her about her slipping grades. As it's also important for an athlete just as much as their training." He leans against the doorframe. "Sir, I really need her to come with-"

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