Chapter 24

352 12 7

March 30, Saturday

I'm finally feeling like I'm getting stronger! After three-ish weeks of training down in mementos; minus few rainy days; fighting the shadow globs has basically become a routine! I've realized some shadows have a certain style to how they fight. An example of this is the Pixies, they charge their attacks and before they release it, they flutter around in a circular motion. It had taken me a while to gather the courage to return to mementos, but once I did the first thing, I did was to return to the end of the first area and had come face to the door of the next area to be tightly closed. I even knocked on the door to see if it'd open but it stayed shut. So had plenty of time to 'level' myself up in the first area of mementos. I know this area of mementos is basically the baby section in a daycare, but the fact I can take on 3 shadows at a time without my ribs basically being shattered is such a great improvement! Even though I've been pretty much going in and putting every day to train, I only limit it to three hours because I want to reduce the chances of encountering that Reaper again. There is no way I can defeat that thing on my own, no matter how strong I've gotten. Although, since most of my energy is going into fighting, I've started a bad habit in my classes.

"LN-San, Answer!" I jerk my head over my textbook tower and look up front. "I. Like. Cats." I read off the board. "Great pronunciation, but next time pay attention." Ms. Chouno; the English teacher; turns back around to the board and continues her lesson. I sink back into my seat in relief and throw out what the teacher had just said as I put my head back down. Since I've been constantly going into mementos, I've become more exhausted each day. I still don't know how the protagonist has been able to level out Phantom thievery and school at the same time. If I had any qualms about this, it would be I will use all my willpower to not start dosing off in the world studies teacher's class. I forgot his name; I think it starts with a U. Last time I took a nap, he yelled out my name in front of the class and threw a piece of chalk at me. I woke up in such a panic from my name being called that I didn't have the forethought to dodge, so I ended up with a nice red circle on my forehead. That was the worst wake-up call I've had since I've gotten here, other than waking up in this world. "So, when these two factors are found in a sentence, you have to use a-Oop." The bell rings, cutting off Ms. Chouno." Alright, class don't forget to solve the problems from 4 to 17 and bring them tomorrow so we can go over them. Class Dismissed." She gathers her things and steps out of the room. Everyone stands from their seats and begins gathering their stuff and talking amongst each other. The classes today have ended and now it's time to head off. Time to go back to mementos for me though. I stand from my seat and gather my stuff together then put them into my back. Before I could leave the class, "LN-San, Meet me in the faculty office." Ms. Chouno pops back into the classroom, then leaves again for the office. Everyone heard her, in the class, the hallway. You've got to be kidding me. Did I do something wrong? I know I've been sleeping in class but it's not like my grades are slipping or something. Man, this sucks. I head to the faculty office; it's only on the first floor, but it feels like a mile with all these students eying me as I walk.

"Did they beat someone up?"

"They must have done something terrible."

"I heard they've killed someone before."

Seriously, isn't everyone supposed to go home already? Looking straight ahead, I'm not going to let these rumors get to me. It's not like they are true either way. I guess my face must have shown how irritated I was since everywhere I look, these kids run off or look somewhere else immediately.

Ms. Chouno had called me to the office just to compliment me on my English and ask if I'd be a representative in an English competition that was happening between classes. There was never any mention of that in the game. So why is there such a competition now? Is this another change in the story? "I appreciate the offer, but I don't have the time to participate. Thank you for the offer." I politely bow and turn to leave. "W-wait! Are you sure? It's a great thing to have when you are applying for colleges." She had tried to convince me, but my answer was the same. Before I left, she gave me a slight scolding for sleeping in her class, even if my grade is good, I still needed to pay attention. By the time I had left the room, the halls were empty, and no sound could be heard. Wow, it's so creepy here. I'm used to the sounds of the students walking around or talking, but now it's lonely here. I wish I could talk to my school friends. It was always the highlight of the day for me when we would goof off during our break period. Then, we'd walk each other home, where I'd be the first one to leave since I had to take the bus home. I miss those days. Before I knew it, I had wandered into the courtyard. Looking up to the top of the school, the fence surrounding the roof can be seen even from the ground. This is where Shiho jumps. Perhaps coincidentally, also in front of the gym. The cherry blossoms haven't bloomed yet, but they do have their leaves; a sign that the season is soon to come. Suddenly, a loud bang from the gym doors shoots me out of my thoughts. What was that? I get closer to the door and what I heard next was blood-boiling. "Hit the ball harder! It's not hard enough unless I see teeth fly!" Kamoshida's voice booming through these metal doors.

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