Chapter 19

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"Yeah, I need you to burn this room to ashes." I give the Incubus a thumbs up. "HUH!? Burn it down!? What about you!? You'd burn down with it with the way you are! I don't want to die yet! Not like this! I wanted to die by your hands!"

"Alright, Alright. Calm down. We won't die. I also don't want to die, I just need to burn this place and run out." I swear, are all Incubus like this? "You wouldn't make it out alive, either way. I'm connected to you so I can tell. You can barely walk at this point. Although your soul points are quite high, you have bruises and cuts everywhere! I won't burn anything!" The Incubus huffs. Don't I control you? How can he refuse me? " So I have to be well enough for you to burn this place down?" I poke at the necklace on my wrist. "U-um, yeah! You don't have any recovery food or items so there is no burning today-"

"Agathion!" I summon the kid in a cup and the Incubus dispurses back into me. "Hey there Miss! Do you have my candy?" The cup hovers around happily. "Sorry, this bad adult can't give you your prize just yet. But next time I'll get you twice the reward." The Agathion stops mid-twirl and looks at me. "Waaah! You promised! You big meanie. You're a poo-poo head!" The Agathion whines. "3 times the reward!" I cut it off. "3... What do you need miss?" The Agathion shuts up immediately. Are personas so quick to persuade or have I picked the weird ones? "Heal me with Dia." I'm lucky I got it to come with me though. "That's easy for me!" Soon enough, a green light surrounds me and I feel a bit of energy leave me. I see the blood that was on my forearm disappear and my sore muscles gone. "Thank you, I'll make sure to be a better adult the next time you see me." I pat the Agathion. "You better, I can only forgive you once." With that, it dissipates into me. Once again, I summon the Incubus. The number of times I have summoned these personas has improved. Before I could only hold them outside for about a minute, maybe I'm getting better. "Is my condition good enough for fire?" The Incubus' mouth drops as it flaps around me, inspecting my arms and back for any wounds. "H-how? You were basically beaten into a pulp." Wow, thanks for that.

"Less talking more ashes. Let's go." I need to hurry before that a soldier comes in here like one did in the original game. "Agi!" I stretch out my hand at where I want the flame to hit. The Incubus generates a fireball and it flies above my shoulder. Dang, that's huge. Almost immediately the room shakes and the fire spreads in the hidden room. The Shiho pictures get engulfed in the flames. With that, I leave the room and shoot another fireball in the library before I make a break for the door. As I open the door, the Shadow that was down the hall is coming back in a dash. "Hey! You! Intruder!" I make a dash for the door leading down the stairs. Through many doors, the number of shadows, increases. Eventually, I reach the main hall. I hide underneath the staircase. Soldiers come from the dungeon and where my escape is at. They are all scurrying and moving to the middle of the hall.

Suddenly, a voice echoes throughout the hall, commanding the soldiers into formation. "FIND WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SULLYING MY CASTLE!!" Kamoshida's voice filled with rage. "B-but the fire..." One shadow speaks. Silence fills the room for a second, although I can't see Kamoshida from beside the staircase, I can for sure feel his fury. "You dare question my orders?" His voice seething with rage. A loud sound of metal being crushed echoed throughout the hall. "Go! Find who is responsible and put out that fire! I will crush you all if I don't see a culprit!!" All the soldiers scurry and bump into each other as they are trying to figure out what they should do first. "HURRY UP!! YOU ALL ARE USELESS. YOU BETTER CATCH WHO DID THIS TO MY CASTLE!" Eventually, the soldiers, scurry in different directions. "Garbage!" Kamoshida ends by throwing a soldier's head over the staircase railing, it falls right in front of me. The flapping of a cape and steps moving away are the last sounds I hear. Holy frig, seeing only the head scared the heck out of me. Besides that, this is amazing! Kamoshida is super pissed! This is what this man gets., I wish I could take him down on my own but I'm basically a mob character, I'm not important enough to be strong enough to take him down. Taking Kamoshida down is the role of the protagonist and his friends. Anyway, I better get out of here. By the sound of Kamoshida's tantrum earlier, there's going to be quite the fewer shadows here the next time I come back.

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