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I get home and I see my parents on the couch talking to mari

"hii guys" i say while waving to everyone

"hi mamas how was school?" my mom says while looking up at me

"goodd" i say while doing a thumbs up and lips tucked in my mouth😂

"hi babe how are you!" my mom says while waving to jennifer

"hi!! good and youuu?" jennifer says while waving back with a smile

"good mamas! thank you for asking" my mommas says while smiling

"this kid asked me to tutor him mom but i lowkey dont want to so what should i say as an excuse" i say while rolling my eyes

"brianna dont be meannn" my mom says while frowning and giggling at the same time

"shi is not even mean" i say softly

"oouuu thats gone b your little bf soon watch" my mom says with a light smirk

"mom why do you have to make everything so weird like ur my bsf but no" i say while raising one eyebrow and laughing

"omg okay did you say yes to tutoring him?" my mom asks while putting back on her glasses

"yes cs ima good person obviously " i say while rolling my eyes nd giggling

"what's his name?" my mom asks again

"mmm i forgot" i say while laughing

"mentirosaaa" my mom says with a smile

"his names alex" jennifer says while going along wit the torture (they luved to bully me😔)

"oh yeah huh" i say in a grossed out voice

"aye brianna dont act like you dont remember" jennifer says while hugging me nd teasing me

"okay pos bye you guys , hugs for everyone" i say while waving bye and running upstairs

yu and jennifer run upstairs into your room

i get a call from a random number

📞 CALL 📞

me: uhm hello?
alex: wsggg
me: wtf how did yu get my number
alex: so when can you tutor me bae
me: I'm free today yu onnat?
alex- ight bet send the addy
me: bet bet
alex- alr bet


"ugh I have to tutor that kid alex right now" i say while fixing your hair a bit

"oh ok pos ill leave you to it bestfriend" jennifer says while getting her backpack nd stuff

"ayyy dont leave me im scared" i say while giggling

"bye bbyy i love uuuu text me and tell me everything after " she says while leaving my room and making kissy noises

"ayy no stop" i say while pretending to cover my ears playfully

after a bit I hear my doorbell ring

I run downstairs and get it before my parents get it nd they start talking to him😔

"hi alexxx" i say while smiling and leaning my head against the door

"hi brianna" he says while smiling back

we laugh but awkwardly

"hold on I gotta tell my parents that ur here" i say while giggling

I grab his wrist part of his hand and drag him to the kitchen where my parents are

"alex this is my mom vanessa" i say while pointing to my mom

"hi nice to meet you." alex says while shaking my moms hand

"this is my dad and my little sister mari" i say while letting go of his hand

"nice to meet you guys" alex says while shaking everyones hand

"guys this is the guy I'm tutoring" i say while smiling

"ohh yeah okay just goodluck with your brother when he gets home " my mom says while nodding and giggling

"yeah no well we're gonna go upstairs" i say while slowly leaving the kitchen

i'm surprised my dad don't say anything 🤔 i think hes just done trying😞

we go upstairs and I show him around my house

"rich assss" he says while giggling and looking around amazed

"oh nooo" i say while laughing

"k you could sit on my bed" i say while pointing to my bed and closing my door

yu and alex do a bunch of random stuff abt learning

"okay! good job yr getting it" i say while laughing

"see I told you you could do it." i say with a smile after seeing alex understand

"ohhh yuhhh I finally get it!" alex says before laughing

"yeah! see" i say

you guys highfive and he looks at you in the eyes all cute n shi😣

"naa lemme give you a hug bro" he says while getting off my bed and opening his arms

"ayy your funny" i say while getting up from my bed and hugging him

"thank you like fr fr" he says while letting go of the hug

"it's no problem alex really" i say while giggling

"you know how I said I'll pay you n shii?" he says while smilings

"oh no yr good don't worry about it" i say while shaking my head

he looks at me in the eyes and smiles w his cute ass braces

"lemme take yu outt bruhh" he says while smiling and making a fist over his mouth

"ohh myy you play to muchh" i giggle as i sit back on my bed

"na naa being deadass" he says while sitting back on the bed as well

"shii I'm w it but i needa ask my boyfriend nd shi" i say while nodding slowly

"manee fuck yo boyfriend ill treat you better stop playing" he says while rolling his eyes playfully

"ahhh ya quisieras" i say while rolling my eyes as well and giggling

"naa but fr fuck yo boyfriend come fw a reall nigga" he says seriously while he looks up and down at me

"mmm" i say while squinting my eyes at him playfully

"cmonn maa this friday dont be like thatt" he says while putting my hair behind my ear

"okayy pues" i say while nodding my head slowly

"bet bet bet you gone love it over here mama just wait" he says while getting his keys

"toda via tengo novio alex" i say while being serious

"shi im gone be your boyfriend soon " he says with a lil smirk

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