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yu wake up in the morning to your mascara being all smeared bc i move around a lot in my sleep nd i rub my eyes nd shit

yu get up and go to the bathroom to wash your face off

yu dry your face and change

yu dry your face and change

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what yu change into:

yu hear someone knocking on your door and you assume it's Alex

yu open the door and see Ricky

"que quieres" yu said while rolling yr eyes

"can I come in?" he says while fluffing up his hair

"elias aint here" i say while sighing

"nigga i'm not here for elias" he says while shaking his head

i let him come in by opening the door

he sits on the couch and I sit on the one across from him

"i know you've been cheating on me with alex" he says all serious

i look at him like he's crazy nd start laughing bc of the thought

"whatchu talkin bout" i say while cracking up

"yu fw alex" he says seriously

"boi yu are crazy" i say while rolling my eyes and standing up

"yu guys are always together" he says

"dude were js hung out once ONCE thats one time" i say while scoffing

"yr a cheating ass hoe" he says while standing up as well

"I'm not the one who posted a picture with me and another guy making out" i say

"shut up brianna you don't know what your talking-

"why did yu come here dude jus to bug me ?" yu say while interrupting him


"leave bruu you bug" yu say while pointing at the door

"watch's what's gonna happen to you and your little boyfriend Alex" he says while storming out the door

"you isnt gonna do shit bc your not bout shit" i say while shutting the door.

(btw mari and your parents and elias are all out getting breakfast together)


👽- alex
🤡- nessa

👽- helloo
🤡- hii
👽- yu tryna come over?
🤡- yesss
👽- bettt
🤡- alright aren't u like 3 houses down?
👽- yup
🤡- k I'll be there in 5


You put on your shoes to leave

yu lock everything and turn off everything and leave to Alex's house

his house was humongous i was like so in shock it looked like mine but bigger

yu knock on the door until a girl opens it

"hi who are you?" She says looking concerned


alex comes down the stairs and looks at you and smiles

"waddupp shortyy" he says while fixing his hair

"this is my sister Jules" he says while rolling his eyes

"hi pretty girll" i say while smiling

"hii" she says while smiling back

yu walk in his house and he shows you around and introduces you to his mom

"mama this is my best friend brianna" alex says while putting his arm around you

"hola mija como estás!" she says while shes doing other stuff but shes still looking at me if that makes sense

"hola! bien y uste?" i say before looking up at alex and smiling

"momma we're gonna go upstairs" alex says while grabbing my hand

"okay! " she says in a kind voice

In his room

(his room was like a basic teenage boys room yk)

"very cute room" i say giggling while looking around

"i'm sayinn huh shi is firee" he says while sitting on his chair

"hold on I have a question" i say while sitting on his bed softly

"shoot" alex says

"when u were telling ur mom abt me did you call me 'your bestfriend' "  i say with a cocky smile

he nods without even hesitating

"aw cute" i say while blushing a lil too hard

"wanna watch me play or wha?" alex says while getting his controller

"mhm" you say while pulling out ur phone

After a while you both decide to go live

he goes live on his account

everyone spamming the chat with "whos on the bed?"

i look up at the camera and get off the bed to join it

yu read a bunch of hate comments

"all theses lil 12 year olds big maddd" you say while laughing

yu and alex are flirting on the live the whole time but you were standing the whole time just talking to the live

alex looks up at you

"you needa chair or wha" he asks

"lowk" i say while giggling

he pats his lap while tryna play it off

"ahhh ya quisieras" i say while giggling

"so naaa" he asks while giggling

i sit on his lap and stare back at the live

there was hella ppl in there i was in shock bro was fr famous

he wraps his arms around my waist nd touches my thighs and shi 😂😂😝

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