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Her name is gonna be Alesia due to Alex bc he wanted to name her that!!

3 year later:

Today is the day me and Alex are gonna move in to our very own house. I'm 18 and Alex is 19 and we are living with a 3 year old.

Alesia turned out to be super smart. She already knows how to talk .


Me and Alex are unpacking are boxes listening to music.

An Ad comes out and I randomly say "remember we got arrested with Jennifer and Ricky"

Alex started cracking up until we hear a door knock.

We go silent and just look at each other in a "wtf" face.

Alesia runs to the room and points at the living room which were the door is.

We run to the door and open it.

It was.


"Ahhh" I shout while jumping up and down

I hug Jennifer, Ricky and Elijah all at the same time

"Thank you guys so much for stopping by!" I say while taking the gift.

"Where's Alesia?!" Elijah says while pushing me out the way JUST TO SEE MY DAUGHTER

"UNCLE ELI" Alesia says in a baby voice while hugging him

Alesia adore Eli with all her soul

"Give Tia Jennifer a hug Ali" I say

Jennifer holds her hands out and Alesia runs into her hands

We show them a tour around the house and they help us unpack more

(Btw in every 2 chapters she's gonna grow up more and more)

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