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i open the door and it's Alex holding roses

he actually looked so bhad bru.

made me wanna- wanna.. NVM

"thank you broo broo" i say while taking the flowers and nodding my head slowly

"anything for my  beautiful girl" he says while smiling

his braces and his smile go soooo welll😩😩

"well thanks for the gift Alex I appreciate you" i say while shutting the door

"who was it?" nate asks being nosy

"mind your own business dude no body" i say while rolling my eyes and going back upstairs

you: it was alexx dude
jennifer: reallyyy??
you: wit flowers nd shi  
Jennifer: that's cuteeeee
you: it's wtv
jennifer: well I gotta go take Elijah to his friends house so i'll talk to you later
you: bye girll

End of call

i go downstairs and talk to your mom about alex for a long time until i get a call from Elijah

you: what's up eli
Elijah: I'm in trouble

"fuck" i whisper while putting my hand on my forehead

you: where are you?
elijah: police station
you: i'll be right there

i go upstairs and steal my moms card bc i knew i needed money to get him out

i get my keys and drive to the police station bc eli was like my blood

i enter the doors and you see something you never wanted to see

elijah quezada in bars

i sigh and seem so disappointed

i walk over to the police man

"what happen now officer?" i say while sighing

"are you the guardian?" he asks dumbly

i look at elijah and roll my eyes

"yup" i say

"caught him underage drinking and driving with drugs in the car" the officer says while filling out a form

yu put your hand on your head and mumble "oh my f*cking god"

"how much to get him out" i ask while pulling out money

"400" the officer says

i give him the money and he unlocks Elijah

elijah runs over to you and hugs you so tight

"let's get outta here" i say kinda upset

he gets in your car and puts on his seatbelt slowly

"what happen?" i ask while getting kinda mad

"my friends were drinking nd shit and they bailed nd they arrested me" elijah says

"we're yu doing it too?" i ask honestly

"yes" he whispers

"elijah i can't be doing this anymore. i already did this like 3 times" i say while yelling

"i'm sorry okay? next time i'll js call someone else" he says while looking out the window

"no always call me but i don't want this happening again bc the next time there not gonna let yu out" i say

"okay" he says

"ooh baby your moms gonna get mad" i  say while kinda laughing

"She's not gonna find out" he says proud

"eli you told them your moms number" i say while looking at him like he's dumb

"no I didn't I gave them yours" he says while laughing

i put your head in the steering wheel while ashamed

"look eli I love you but yu dumb asf" i say while smiling at him

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