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It's been a week and today is my appointment!!

I wake up and get up to use the bathroom

I look at myself in the mirror and realize my bump is kinda getting bigger

I leave the bathroom and just lay there waiting for Jennifer to wake up

After a while Elijah walks in and just stands there awkwardly

he waves awkwardly and walks over to me

he lays next to me and asks "can I go to your appointment with you and Jennifer"

I nod and hug him causing Jennifer to wake up

She just looks at us and starts laughing

"when's your appointment bree" Jennifer says while stretching

"like at 2" I say while checking my phone

It's 11 btw

"oh damn we better start getting ready" Jennifer says while getting up

Elijah runs to his room to change while me and Jennifer do our skincare

What we all change into:


brianna (us)

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brianna (us)

brianna (us)

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after we get ready we leave to the doctors office

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after we get ready we leave to the doctors office

we drive there but before we stop at Starbucks to get something to drink

after that we head to the doctors and finally make it

we get off the car and go inside

"hi I have an appointment for Brianna Vasquez with Maria Wilbert" i say to the front office lady at the clinic

"okay" she says while typing it in the computer

"okay shes with a client right now but she will be done in 10 minutes or less " the lady says nicely

"oh okay thank yu" I say while nodding my head slowly

"yu could go ahead and sit over there" she says while pointing to these chairs

Me, Jennifer and Elijah walk over there and just sit

after 10 minutes or less we hear

"Brianna.. Vasquez "

we all look towards the person calling my name and it's the doctor

we all walk over to her and she leads us to the room

"yu two could talk a seat here and Brianna please lay on that" the doctor says while pointing to that bed type of thing

I just lay there on my phone until she walks in again

"okay so we are here to look at the baby correct" the doctor asks while putting on gloves

"yes mam" I say while nodding my head

she grabs the thing and the oil

"can you lift up your shirt for me please" she says slowly

i lift up my shirt only until my stomach

she puts the oil on my stomach and runs the monitor over my stomach

"oh! look" she says while pointing to the tv that shows inside my stomach

I see my future child

Jennifer gasps while Elijah's in shock

after the appointment she gives me some pictures

"thank you so much" I say while leaving the room

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"thank you so much" I say while leaving the room

while getting in the car I sent a picture to Alex, Tessa and Nate

Alex replies with "excited asf"
Tessa replies with "crying."
Nate replies with "excited to be called uncle Nate"

"Jennifer" I say all of the sudden in the car

"Yes?" She says

"I want you and Ricky to be the baby's godparents" I say looking at her

"really?" she says while looking at me with baby eyes but not begging eyes

"yes" i say while nodding

"yr the best oh my gosh" she says while smiling

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