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"boii uu guys make me nervous stopp" i say while putting my hand over my mouth

alex is just staring at me through the ft call

"i cant give you an answer rn alex" i say before slowly nodding before i pursing my lips

"aightt bruu its cool" alex says while slowly nodding as well

"ima call you ina bit tho aight" i say while picking up my phone

before he could even say anything i hung up

"BRO" jennifer says while her shoulders go down and her face goes 😐

"i'm sorry I got nervous!" i say while throwing your phone on the floor and screaming in her pillow

"call him back brianna" jennifer says while whining

"what am I supposed to say bro?" i say while picking your phone off from the ground

"just s-

"fuck thiss bruu omg" i say while interrupting her

i text Alex "yes Alex, i'll be your girlfriend."

i send it and immediately gasp nd start giggling

"what what what?" Jennifer says shocked with a slight smile on her face

"i sent it..

"sent what?" she says while tryna look at your phone

i show her the text and she starts getting excited

i see that he's typing and your heart drops

he stops typing

"what did he say?" Jennifer says while getting up

"nothing bruuu" i say while whining

"oh." jennifer whispers while just looking at me

"i dont even care bro" i say while sighing

"let's go to the gas station?" she says while tryna cheer you

"no" i say while my face is still in her pillows

"come on it'll be fun!" she says while basically begging me

"k" i say while slumping off her bed

yu guys go downstairs while her mom is watching tv

"mami can me and brianna go to the gas station?" jennifer says to her mom while getting the keys

"yeah just be careful" jennifer's mom says while nodding

"we will" jennifer says while we walking out the door

we leave her house and get in the car even tho the gas station was like 5 minutes away we was still lazy asf😭

"what if Alex was joking" i say while giving a dirty look to my phone

"the way he said it didn't sound like he was joking" jennifer says while tryna make even more delulu

"i dont even care" i say while i roll my eyes

"he did also say he liked you remember" jennifer says while smiling

"oh yeahhh" i say while nodding and pointing to her

yu guys go inside and get snack to watch movies

yu and Jennifer separate because it was  big asf

after a while i find Jennifer meet eachother and i say "oh look hey I got-"

she's not even paying attention and she's look at something

"what are you looking a-" i say while looking where she's looking

"oh" i see her looking at each other and smiliny

he's wearing red and black pj pants and a white shirt and white airforces

"yall aint even gonna say hi or whatt" he says while walking up to you guys and giggling

"hi ricky" i say while getting behind jennifer and pretending to look at the chips even tho i already got chips😭

"waddupp" he says awkwardly to jennifer but he gets maddd red

"hi rickyy" jennifer says while finally speaking up

"I heard you guys are going to prom together" i say to try and embarrass her like she did with me nd Alex

"oh yeah I asked her... do you mind..?" ricky says

"no no, not at all!" i say while acting like her mom

"oh okay thanks bro" he says while slowly nodding his head

"ofc jen les dip yea?" i say while walking past them

me and Jennifer pay and leave

i got hot cheetos and a pineapple fanta and jennifer got the spicy lays with airhead bites and a watermelon arizona

we get in the car and drive off

"oh, hi ricky" i say while mocking Jennifer snd laughing

"oh my god shut up" she says while bumping you on the shoulder

we get to her house and get off the car nd shi blah blah blah

"damn that was fast" jennifer's mom says surprised while giggling softly

"yeah you know how it's just like 5 to 4 minutes away" jennifer says while shrugging her shoulders

we go upstairs and watch hella scary movies

we end up passing out around 12am

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