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i wake up due to a call from ricky, it was 2am

I see that he has called me more than 10 times

some texts that say "bro please answer"

I panicked and I answer

I hear him crying and I ask "Ricky are you okay, whats going on?"

"J-Jennifer is on the f*cking floor and s-she's not breathing" he says while crying

My heart drops to my feet and I get off the bed so fast that I wake up Alex

"Where you going" Alex says confused

"Jennifer.. j-just come with me hurry" I say while dragging him up

He runs to the car with me and he speeds to Jennifer's house

Alex's gets off so fast he forgets to close the door

I see something I never wanted to see before..

Ricky on the floor tryna give Jennifer CPR

Elijah crying tryna wake Jennifer up

and Judy crying her heart out calling the police

There was throw up on the floor and a bunch of pill bottles

I drop to the floor and try to wake up Jennifer

"Jen.. Jen!" I say while starting to cry

"Jen baby please wake up.. please" I say while putting my head on her chest while crying

Alex hugs Elijah trying to calm him down

I start to hear sirens coming towards our way

At this point I'm crying to the point where I can't breathe

Ricky goes outside to talk to the police while I'm hugging Elijah

"Shh shh your okay" I say tryna calm him down

The police runs thru the door and carry's Jennifer into the ambulance

Ricky and I end up going in the ambulance with her while everyone else stays behind

We finally arrive to the hospital and me and Ricky get off while the police get Jennifer off

We wait in some chairs right by Jennifer's hospital room

Our eyes are all swollen and we're just sitting looking down

We hear footsteps running towards us and we see Alex, Elijah and Judy

I get up and hug Alex really tight and start crying in his chest

He kinda starts crying too

"Im sorry Nessa" he whispers

I hear another pair of footsteps coming our way but I don't bother to look

Alex whispers "It's the doctor"

I turn around facing the doctor and he has a happy face

"She made it" the doctor says while smiling

Judy falls to the ground and starts crying with joy

"Just wait until she gets her memory back and stuff"

Ricky gets so happy and starts hugging all of us

Me and Alex walk over to Elijah and we hug him

"My Jennifer is alive" Judy screams

I hear that my phone rings again

I hang up on them just enjoying the fact that my best friends alive

After that we all leave the hospital in happiness knowing Jennifer's alive

Me and Alex drive to my house

When we walk in everyone's on the couch with a worried face

"Vanessa Alesia Torres, where have you been?" My mom yells

"At the hospital" I say while taking off my shoes

"Why are your eyes all swollen?" She says while walking up to me and Alex

"Jennifer passed out" I say slowly

"What happen to her.. what" my mom says while kinda starting to worry

"We took her to the hospital and she made it" I say while kinda cheering up

Nate and Tessa get up from the couch and hug me

"Mom.. I was so scared" I say while kinda tearing up

Tessa sighs in happiness

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