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"brianna where were you?" My mom asks

"park with Jennifer" I say while going upstairs

We got upstairs and make a little box for Alex and my parents

I text mostly all my friends and Alex to come over to my house at 6

I get ready and I let Jennifer have some clothes

What I wear:

I run downstairs with Jennifer and tell my parents that I'm having a little get together

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I run downstairs with Jennifer and tell my parents that I'm having a little get together

They say "yes" and me and Jennifer order pizza

Everyone gets there and it's finally time to break the news

"Mama, papa and Alex have to give you guys something" I say while giving them the boxes

They open them at the same time

My mom looks at me with a b*tchy stare

Alex is confused

"I don't get it" Alex says while laughing

I walk over to him and put my hands on his face and say "I'm pregnant"

He jumps up and down and picks me up but he gets interrupted by my mom

"y-your pregnant?!" My mom yells

I slowly nod knowing that she's pissed off

She nods slowly and says "get out"

"What?" I say while on the verge of crying

"Pack your bags and leave brianna!" She yells

Everybody's just looking at me and my mom

"no mom what the f*ck" Nate yells

"You can't do that!" Tessa says while going up to my mom

"Yeah I could!" My mom says while getting furious

I run upstairs while Alex just follows me

I get all my stuff and pack it in a suitcase

I cry even harder knowing I don't have anywhere to stay

I walk out the door and Jennifer chase me down the road

"bree! Stay with me" Jennifer yells

I stop and turn around to face her

"Please Nessa you and your baby need a good place to stay so please" Jennifer says while crying

I run over to her and hug her while I hear yelling inside

"yr a fucking bad mom!" I hear Tessa say

I get into Jennifer's car while we wait for Jennifer's mom and Elijah to come outside

They get in the car and Jennifer's mom says "baby I'm sorry about your mom but you could stay with us as long as you need"

"Thank you Judy I really appreciate you guys" I say while starting to cry

We drive to Jennifer's house and i get situated

Me and Jennifer are watching Netflix and I get a text

It was Tessa

Tessa: hey, I miss you! And I'm so happy that I get to be an auntie and Nate is coming into my room 24/7 saying "I can't believe imma be an uncle" but we both really miss you and I love you.

I smile and text her back saying "I miss guys so much Tess. You guys could come visit at any time and I promise I'll see you guys soon. I love you guys with all my heart, don't ever forget that."

I send it and I just slump down trying my best not to burst out crying

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