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skip to a couple months later (sorry I'm unpatient) you guys could imagine whatever you guys want

briannas Diary:

dear Diary, it's bree aka brianna torres again and no I'm not just obsessing over some guy again like those other pages, this time it's real. so I've been feeling extremely sick and nauseous. it's been happening to the point where i can't even eat and.. i think I'm pregnant.

i hear someone getting closer to my room and i immediately shut my diary

It was nate ofc

"hey brianna what are you doing?" nate says while laying on my bed

"oh umm nothing" I say while kinda stuttering

he raises one eyebrow and his eyes catch my diary

he snatches it and opens it

i snatch it and yell "why yu reading my personal shit bitch"

"chill brianna" he says while standing up and leaving my room

i sigh in relief and I immediately feel.. VOMIT

i run over to the bathroom and open the toilet

tessa runs to the bathroom and holds my hair

i stop and I slump over to the side of the toilet

"yu good bree?" tessa asks me concerned

"yeah I have food poisoning probably" I say slowly

she leaves the bathroom before i brush my teeth

i walk back to my room and shut my door

i finally decided to not be a little baby and tell Jennifer

I call Jennifer


Jennifer: heyy
me: hey jen
Jennifer: so what's up?
me: can we talk
Jennifer: sure go ahead
me: not over call though
Jennifer: oh okay meet me at the park
me: okay thanks love you
Jennifer: love you too


I leave my room and get in my car to drive to the park

I see Jennifer sitting there on her phone waiting for me on the bench

I run over to her and sit in the bench

I immediately explain everything to her and she doesn't even know what to say

"go drop off your car at your house and call me so I could pick you up" she says while getting up

"okay" I say while following everything she says

I get home and I see Jennifer's already waiting for me in her car

I get in her car and ask "where are we going?"

"CVS" she says

We finally arrive to CVS and she leads me to the pregnancy test ile

"get one" she says

"what?" I say

"get one" she repeats

I get one and I go pay but I realize I don't have any cash

"i'll pay for it" Jennifer says while taking out her wallet


"yes brianna please." she says while insisting at this point

she pay for it and we both go into the bathroom to see

she waits for me outside while I do it and while I'm waiting I let her come in

i'm walking back and forward while Jennifer's on her phone biting her nails

It's finally time to look at the results and me and Jennifer stand there

I flip it around and

i put my hands over my mouth and js start crying of happiness

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i put my hands over my mouth and js start crying of happiness

"OMG" jennifer says while jumping up and down

"AHHHHH" I say while slightly screams

"dude no wayy" Jennifer says while crying happily

"i need to tell Ricky" Jennifer says while taking her phone out of her pocket rapidly

she calls Ricky

"hola" ricky says over the phone

xhe FaceTimes him and he sees the tears on our eyes

"what happen? why are you guys crying?" he says laughing

"i'm having a baby.." I say slowly

ricky puts his hands over his mouth and says "no fucking way bree"

he starts getting excited and he asks "have you told Alex?"

"no but come over after work so I could tell him with all of you guys but first I need to tell my parents" I say

"oh alr fs" he says before hanging up

jennifer drives me home and i see my parents on the couch watching tv

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