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fast forward to like 2 months where you and alex are still dating and jennifer and ricky finally made it official but you have realized that alex has acting a bit strange lately

i'm on my bed laying down scrolling thru instagram when i get a FaceTime call from "jennifer🖤"

me: hello
jennifer: did you just wake up?
me: nah I've been up since like 3am
jennifer: damn
me: I'm hella lazy tho
jennifer: to bad bc your coming with me and Elijah to the mall
me: no bro I'm sick
jennifer: No you ain't
me: yes I am
jennifer: How?
me: I threw up
jennifer: me vale verga brianna, get ready I'll be there in 10
me: fine

End of call

i get up and change super fast

what i change into:

i do a basic makeup look and i put on my shoes

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i do a basic makeup look and i put on my shoes

i finally get a call from Jennifer

Jennifer: bree
me: what
Jennifer: come outside
me: alright


i go down the stairs and open the door

"hold on" i hear my mom shout

"where do you think yr going?" she says surprisingly

i realize that she looks really tired and her eyes were red like she'd been crying

"i'm going with jennifer and elijah to the mall" i say while shrugging my shoulders

"without even asking brianna?" she says when her voice kinda goes down

"can I go?" i say scaredly bc i have never ever seen my mom like this or she never acts like this

"..be back by 3" she says while heading upstairs

i run outside and get in her car

"what took you forever bree" Jennifer asks

"momma trippin " you say while looking back at elijah

"hii elijahhh" you say while waving your hand in front of his face tryna get his attention

"waddupp bree" he says while texting in his phone not even looking at you

"damn yu prefer yr little girlfriend over me" i say joking around

he just stays quiet while still on his phone with a light smile

"he got a little girlfriend shes cute" Jennifer says while giggling and looking back at him

"what's her name?" i say while tryna be nosy

"scarlett she so fine omm" he says while kinda getting excited

"ooh show me a pic cmonnn" i say tryna be cool

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