Love Beyond Everything ~|OS-5|

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Note- This One Shot contains many flashbacks, hope you readers won't mind.

-Main leads are Shaheer Sheikh and Pooja Sharma


"Don't you dare to move one step of yours, if you do then this will be your last day on this earth.", a grave devilish voice made its sound to her ears while the gun pointed at the back of her head.


The moon, which was illuminating in the charcoal hollow space along with twinkling diamonds, was in its crescent form, maybe indicating some kind of emotion or attachment that would probably remain in less than half of a figure, vague just like this moon.

The air was heavy with tension, merging with the dusk of the night which was enough for anyone to get afraid, and the cherry on the top is that grief, desperation, and painful cries in wince accompanied it.

"Why? Why...why? Arohi why are you not coming to me? What's my mistake? At least come here to tell me." A guy named Aditya shrieked out in woe and frustration. He was waiting since early in the morning for the love of his life, sitting almost as a barren soul on the milky-bleached base of the open-deserted temple which was shrouded by green forestry.

His face was downcasted towards the floor, his eyes were red and puffy. And cheeks had traces of the dried tears that had escaped at the early note. His hair and clothes were sustained in the most disheveled way one could ever see.

"Wait a minute! Has Rahul done something to her? Maybe possible, by walking on the vestige of his last or should say the latest threat." Aditya's mind signaled him to ponder seriously over this matter not once or twice but a hundred times.

~Flashback starts~

"Hey Miss Beautiful, What's your name?", A boy stopped a girl in the college corridor which was mainly binding the area of labs and library.

"My name is A...Arohi." She fumbled nervously, sensing the intention of the guy who was standing in front of him, was not good. Her eyes were cast low, continuously looking at the floor, maybe searching for a way to gather some courage, while a few small droplets of sweat started forming on her forehead.

He smirked at her reaction, it somehow encouraged him to do more. "Oh, Miss Arohi... you are as hot and gorgeous as your name is!"

"Please excuse me, I am getting late." She joined the words almost correctly while moving ahead from the side. She desperately wanted to evade from there.

"Wait... wait, miss! I won't take much of your time." He muttered while barging in front of her, again making her halt in between.

Gawking from top to bottom, he smirked, his eyes were gleaming with lust as he again began to speak. "Well, let's come to the main point. Do you have a boyfriend? If not then there is no need to waste your heavenly beauty, simply try me... And if you have one, there's no need to worry about it, we'll keep it a secret. You have to do nothing just to come to my home every night...!"

This startled her very much, her eyes shot up towards him. Neglecting her fear of what she had experienced just a few moments ago, she let out the flow of words from her mouth in a deep piercing wild voice, "You br*t!! Who the hell are you to ask such a thing to any girl? Huh?! You people think that we are scared of you. No! We girls just try to avoid any kind of unnecessary scrimmage. But now enough is enough, what you have just said is enough to cross any tolerance line."

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