The Game of Destiny ~|OS-8|

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-Main leads are Shaheer Sheikh and Pooja Sharma
-Sourabh Raaj Jain as Madhav


The wedding bells rang throughout the season, this time too, they rang in the blooming contentment of the would-be couple.  

The imperial farmhouse was all set up in the best of the adornments from flowers to glimmers, everything was emitting its ambiance in the most promising way possible. Moreover, the lotus theme was the icing on the cake.

Meanwhile in the wedding

"Come on Parth!" A group of young lads was compelling one of his friends to sway along with them on the dance floor.

"No, I don't want to dance. You go…" Their pal has become aggravated by continuous nudging. He wasn't willing to dance at any cost, maybe because of unspecified embarrassment as he was always a wallflower.

"Such a bore you are!" 

"So let me be…"

"You are impossible, man!... Let's go, friends." Announcing so, all his buddies left from there, leaving him alone.

As usual, he solely ignored their affronts, he commenced strolling around keeping his palms in his white sherwani's pockets, "What should I do, I am getting bore?! I can't understand. First, people organize such grand weddings and on the second note, they don't keep a single thing to keep people entertained. Huh…"

Whistling and eyeing at his surroundings, he suddenly got a push from the side. He saw the source of the unexpected push, that people were fleeing towards the entrance in the hustle.

"Hey see, the bride is arriving. Let's see…" There was all the chaos submerging in the environment.

"I should also see how the bride looks…" He murmured to himself as his lips were slightly parted and eyes were still involved in absorbing the turmoil ahead, what to do and how to do...

And there the bride took her entry from the main passageway, all decked up in the best of bridal-scarlet apparel with heavy-gold jewellery.

And there the bride took her entry from the main passageway, all decked up in the best of bridal-scarlet apparel with heavy-gold jewellery

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"She is looking so beautiful!" Folks who were watching her sustained in awe.

"Yaa, she's pretty." He too joined others in remarking as his voice came into a grumble, more than enough to hear by himself.

After a while, his gaze knocked over on the woman who was sauntering beside the bride.

Her some kind of magnificent aura prompted him to peek at her face properly. After shifting several positions, he eventually got to see her face only to receive an utter shock in retrieval. 

His body became numb and that's why he only succeeded to gasp, "Is she for real?!" 

She also glimpsed at him and immediately looked away out of shyness.

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